No Adjective Story except I fail in the first sentence

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Alex woke up to the sound of the rain trickling down the window. The room around them had no light anywhere but Alex could see a terracotta vase in the corner. It wat on top of a night stand. Close to them was a mattress and Alex could tell no one paid attention to keeping it made

"Ah," a voice from the dark, "you're awake."

"What-" Alex started.

"Don't bother asking. We won't tell you anything."

'We' Alex thought. Had there been more than one person in the room with them?

The stranger stepped into the light. Keeping their pace well. As they did so, Alex could see an object in the man's hand. A knife. Alex flinched a little at the sight of it, but kept their composure and put on a facade.

"I can see your bravery, and I do respect that. Honestly. But I assure you, I have just the thing to break you."

The voice drew closer and closer to Alex. It sounded almost like a dog growling. The knife in his hand shone in the low light as though it had it's own light bulb.

Alex was no longer watching his face, but the knife instead.

"Please, don't hurt me," Alex said, still eying the knife in the man's hand.

"If I were going to kill you, you'd be dead already. So just calm down." The man's voice was different now. It was no longer like a dogs' but more like someone had stuck a kazoo down his throat and forgotten it was there.

"What do you want then?" Alex was getting worried. They were being given no information. Whoever was holding them wasn't planning on telling them a thing.

"Listen, I'm sure you're scared and you want to know what's going on. But I've made a promise to my employer. Secrecy." The man looked to the window and noticed drops of water seeping in from the now heavy rain beating against the glass panes. He tore a piece of cloth off of the drapes surrounding it and plugged up the small hole in the window. Alex watched his every move.

"Licorice?" The man offered Alex a rope of red candy. Alex didn't reply, they just stared at the man. "No? Alright them. More for me." The man took the rope and ate it.

After a few seconds, the man noticed Alex still staring. 

"What? I already told you I wasn't going to hurt you. You're much to valuable to us for that dear."

Alex winced at the sound of the last word. A word that normally sounded so sweet was now a creepy and painful reminder of Alex's situation.

"Oh please. Are you really still scared I'll hurt you with this?" The man brought the knife to Alex's face, then threw it off to the side behind him. It clattered a little as it hit the base board of the wall.

"That was the only thing I had that could really cause you any harm. It's not like I know karate or something. Look at me!" The man stepped back from Alex and gestured to his lean body.

He walked back over to Alex, leaned up against the wall next to Alex and slid down to the ground.

"I was just given a bag of cash, an address and told to shove off."

word count: 542

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