1. An Unexpected Meeting

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It was your first day at Iwatobi High school and you were VERY nervous!!! "I'm not gonna find any friends!" You thought, "Right now I'm a nobody." You were walking through the hall carrying your books heading towards class noticing all the hot boys swarming around you. Then this really tall boy bumped into you knocking you down along with all your books. He walked by pretending nothing even happened in that mere two seconds. "Hey!" You hear a voice shout, "You are going to pick that up aren't you?!?" You slowly identify the voice is a girl. You dust yourself off and look up at the girl standing in front of you. "I'm Kou!" She smiled, "Whats your name?" "I'm (f/n)... it's been a pleasure meeting you but if you don't mind I have some books to pick up... Nice meeting you though," You say and begin picking up books. "I'll help you!" She shouted and gave a smile. As you two began cleaning up books Kou started talking about the schools swim club. "So..." She began "Do you swim?" "Ehhh," You say "Not often, it was really cold where I lived and there wasn't much time for swimming," You say. "You should stop by and watch us practice, maybe you could make the team..." She hinted. "Maybe I'll swing by if I don't get a lot of homework," You say and say your goodbyes. The bell rings. You feel like you are going to throw up. You are so scared something bad was bound to happened. You slowly walked to your first period class... Science! You took your seat and waited for your teacher to walk in. You took out your book that you read at the train station everyday to get to school. You kept to yourself and did not let anyone bother you after that incident in the hall. Kids were cursing back and forth at each other paper airplanes flying through the class. And you, sitting, reading your book. You were so distracted looking at your book you didn't even notice Kou sit in the seat next to you. She tapped you on the shoulder, You ignored her. She tapped you again, you still didn't answer and then she screamed your name. "(F/N)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" She shouted. The class went silent. She cleared her throat. "Sorry," She whispered. You then noticed her and gave her a BIG hug. You could tell you two were going to be best friends!

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