Chapter 1

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Moving out was probably the hardest thing Rose had to face, leaving everyone and everything behind to start a new life as an adult. She quickly got busy and overwhelmed, which made her lose touch with a lot of people and lost a lot of friendships she once valued. But that's life! Having to balance between studies, work and social life is never easy.

By her fifth year, the only ones she stayed as close with as they always were are mainly Marley and her best friends. Which made all of her visits to Tunisia different! Yes, it was fun but something was always missing from her summers without these people. She had so many memories with them, and now they are the only ones who can fill this emptiness in her heart. and of course the only one who knew about this was Marley, the one she goes to for everything.

So, of course he had to do something to make up for all these years she wasted not being around them. This year, he decided to put together a reunion for all of them, the old gang back together! and what's better than renting the first house they ever rented. In no time, everything was set. Their excitement couldn't get bigger. In that very house, Marley and Rose share countless precious moments that neither one of them wants to let go of.

The day has finally come, after five years of her feeling like a stranger everywhere she goes, she's finally coming home! And nothing can change her mood or anyone with her.

Once all unpacked and set up, it was finally the time to enjoy the cool summer breeze and the breathtaking sea view, till the bell started ringing. Confused, Rose stood up to open the door. At first she thought Ashley (one of her friends) changed her mind and cleared her schedule to come, but her surprise was big once she found Stan's ex-girlfriend! Astrid! She tried the hardest she could to keep a straight face and don't make any reaction. but you clearly can feel the tension between them and all the trouble coming along. Once they joined the others, you can feel the awkwardness and confusion of everyone. And oh dear! We all knew how complicated the situation is and how Stan feels.

Astrid was Stan's first love, the one girl he always wanted to be with. Their relationship was as perfect as it can get, they were super happy together, planning their future and naming their future children kind of happy. Everyone shipped them together. But after 4 years of supposedly endless love, Astrid ended up cheating on him, which broke Stan's heart and made him go through a severe depression.

Rose asked Stan to go to their room, she couldn't keep herself from asking about it! She knew he had something to do with it, he was the only one who was close to her and she also knew none of them could possibly stand her.

"Stan!' In an angry yet hurt voice,' What was that?'
'What?' He responded ignorantly
"Astrid!' She replied grimly "Why is she here?" She kept looking at him hoping he would say he didn't know and well he did but somehow, she didn't believe him.
"But it's nice, " he added with a big smile on his face 'isn't it?" At this point she decided to not ruin her mood more than it is and just said "No it's not!" Before trying to leave the room. He knew as well as she did, and everyone did, the two of them under the same roof, for any period of time is no good!
"Are you jealous?' He said while trying to stop her from leaving 'You completely are! Hey, I said nothing about Marley so you can't blame me for Astrid?" She nodded and replied in a tone that automatically made it clear he had screwed up. "But Marley isn't my ex!"
"We all know what you had with him was more than what I had with Astrid or what I could ever have with her!" What she wanted to say is "so this is really about me and Marley and our «history» isn't it?" Instead, she simply said "You know what! Forget about it!" She knew it was useless to argue more with him.

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