Chapter 1: Profecy

Começar do início

More than sure of the presence of strangers, the standby slayer let's them know of his awareness, while he calmly takes the object from his back and unwraps it. This way revealing his signature blade, Ranton.

Time has taught him never to go out at night without it.

After a few seconds of nothing but the singing of insects, five figures jump from behind the trees. Men of grotesque and monstrous appearance, protruding canine teeth, and nails so sharp they look they could slash a person in half reveal themselves, as they growl and hiss menacingly.

Amarashi: "What's the matter? Is the last one shy or something?" He mocked without any worries.

"..." Those standing in front of the hunter spoke no word. They just stayed in place as they observed him while making guttural sounds.

Amarashi: 'That's weird... These guys come to try and ambush me, and when they're found they don't even say "hello". How rude... They're planning something. And I imagine the one still hiding has something to say about it.' The Pillar thinks, as he evaluates the situation in front of him while he takes his typically half-lidded eyes towards a tree in the distance.

Amarashi: "Alright boys, if you're not gonna attack, you mind if I do-...?" He couldn't even finish his sentence, since the loud yawn he's been trying to hold back for a while now finally escapes his mouth.


On the same exact same second, with a roar of effort, the nearest enemy takes advantage of his momentary distraction to charge at him with all its strength, raising a cloud of dust from its original position.

The distance between them is shortened in mere instants. And before Amarashi even finishes his action, he already had the demon at less than thirty centimeters from his face, who cocked one of its claws back and was ready to slash it off.

Amarashi: 'Slow...' The Hashira internally criticizes, opening one of his eyes slightly.

Amarashi: "Arashi no kokyu, Ichi no Kata..." (Storm breathing, first form). In a murmur lower than a whisper, he pronounces the name of his technique. At the same time, he adjusts the position of his legs.

Just as if the world slowed down to a fraction of its speed, and putting his right hand tightly on Ranton's hilt, he releases it from its containment.

Amarashi: "Shojo Rangiri!" (Raising storm slash).

In an Iaido strike, the katana's vibrant purple blade cuts the air with absolutely no difficulty in an upwards motion

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In an Iaido strike, the katana's vibrant purple blade cuts the air with absolutely no difficulty in an upwards motion. This one finishing above, and slightly behind the user's head.

Embraced by a veil of dense black clouds and the crackle of intense blue and violet lightning, the Nagasa (blade) of the sword slashes another demon's neck without resistance.

Dodging the body still being moved by inertia, Amarashi takes advantage of that small window to throw a glance towards those he was protecting to confirm their well being.

Demon Slayer - Arashi No MonogatariOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora