Ch. 21: Stay/Permanent Scar

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“I’m okay with what?”

            “Just calm down everything is going to be fine.”

            She nods as she finally unbuckles her seatbelt; they get out of the car, and head up to the front door of Jen’s house.

            Alex knocks on the door and Jen came to it. Her eyes were panicked.

“Hey Alex,” she said.  “What’s up?”

“I came to see Nick.”

“He’s asleep,” Jen said when Alex noticed him on the couch, shirtless and a thin sheet over him.

Alex pushed past Jen and went over to wake him and the sheet came off. He was lying there in his boxers. OMJ he didn’t.  “Nicholas!” she yelled.

He bolted awake only to hear her cry.

“How could you?!”

He tried to rub his eyes and wake up, but she stormed out of the house and her and Joe drove home.

“I can’t believe he did this,” she said.

“I know, he was always the one lecturing us,” Joe said.

“I officially don’t like her, again,” she said.   “I’ll kill her.”

“Alexis, let’s just go home and talk to mom and dad,” he said.

“Fine, I just I can’t believe it,” she said riding the rest of the way home in silence.


“Why would she think I would do what?” Nick asked looking at Jen as he watched Alex’s car drive off.

“Well, you’re in your underwear,” she said, “in my house.”

“Well, yeah, but they know I have a pure promise,” he said showing her the ring on his necklace.

“Baby,” she said.  “You have to understand her side, what she walked into. You can’t blame her for thinking this.”

“I hate it when you’re right,” he whispered smiling.  He leaned in to kiss her lips as Jen’s hands went to his chest, gently pushing him away.

“Not dressed like that,” she said.  “Get dressed, go see your sister and come back when you can.”

He nodded, grabbed his jeans, tossed them on, and his shirt, kissed her goodbye and got a cab to head home.

His mind raced the whole way their wondering what he could possibly say to convince her it was when the cab pulled in the driveway and he saw Kevin’s car and Joe’s still there.

“Oh no,” he thought.  “She told mom and dad.  She called a family meeting.  This is gonna be worse than I thought.”


            “He’s here,” Frankie watching out the window to see the cab pull up.

            “Thank you Frankie.  You may go play a game while we have a talk to Nick,” Paul told him.

            “Aw man…” he said and went to the game room.

            “I’ll go play with him,” Derek said and went after Frankie.

            “Thank you Derek,” Alex and Denise said at once.

            “Alex, now, keep your mouth shut,” dad said pointing at her.

Men of Honor~ Part 4 of Alexis' Jonas SeriesOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz