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Burn It.

Cherry Hill- Russ

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Cherry Hill- Russ.

Lexi went straight home that day, she didn't want to be there with everyone whispering about her calling her a whore. She wanted to be left alone. Being home alone was the only was she could.

Locking the bathroom door Lexi turned the shower water on peeling off her clothes before stepping under the cold water. Shivering slightly at the feeling of the cold water running down her back and threw her hair.

Sighing in relief the girl ran her hands through her brown hair allowing the cold water to refresh her skin.

That night had gone so perfectly, she knew she was stupid for trusting him he's a player like the rest of the base ball players.

They all toyed with the girls hearts, making them feel as if they didn't deserve the affection that they craved.

She wanted to see the best in him she truly did, she gave him a chance and he fucked it up. He had one chance and he ruined it. Lexi didn't quite realize tears had started to fall until she was sobbing and shaking.

Her life seemed like it had ended over some stupid book. She never wanted to be called such words but she was.

Turning off the water the girl climbed out of the shower pulling on some shorts and a hoodie, walking to her room the door bell went off making the girl roll her eyes with a huff, pulling open the front door her eyes met his blue ones and she quickly shut the door being stopped with his foot in the way.

"Go away Billy" the girl spoke her voice cracking as she spoke, Billy dug around in his bag before holding out a black journal towards the girl.

"I don't expect you to believe me but I didn't know they put your name in this book" He spoke under his breath as the girl flipped through the book. Her eyes widening at the side notes with her name.

"But you knew of the book?" She questioned slamming the book shut tucking it under her arm before leaving the front door Billy trailing behind her shutting the door as he entered following her into the kitchen.

"Yes I did but I didn't know they were doing things like this" he spoke as the girl fumbled around in drawers pulling out a lighter. "We're gonna burn it" Lexi stated as the two walked into her back yard, a small circle made of bricks dug about a foot deep was in the middle of her yard. Throwing the book into the hole Billy sent her a confused look. "What?" He breathed out as she sprayed the book with lighter fluid. "Did I say we're gonna stand here and look stupid? No, I said we're gonna burn it" the girl spoke sternly flicking the lighter open.

Dropping the lighter into the whole the girl watched in amazement as the book went up in flames and Billy stood beside her glaring at the book.

"Forgiveness is a sweet things Billy" the girl stated as she turned to look at the boy the heat of the fire warming her body. "But you don't deserve sweet things."

Fun Fact- Lexi is a baddie:)

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Fun Fact- Lexi is a baddie:)

So how do we feel? One shot book just got published check it out if you want:)

Much love

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