Epilogue - One Final Goodbye

Start from the beginning

"I suppose you're right there. I don't have many visitors these days, though." I admit while doing minor repairs on my suit. "This universe is almost identical to Earth-2016 apart from the 70% of the population having quirks. But... My Aunt May and Peni. Things are different here, I have a cousin called Peni, but she lives in Japan, so we aren't exactly in touch. Aunt May passed three years ago."

"What about any friends? You must have Harry at least?"

"I know, Harry, but I decided to keep my distance. I don't want the events of my past to repeat themselves. I've been keeping an eye on Norman, though; he doesn't show any signs of being the Green Goblin."

Gwen sat on my bed, putting my picture frame down. "So it's just been you all by yourself?"

I was leaning out the window. "Yeah, I spent so much of my life in the other world; having to come to grips with my new life overnight hasn't been easy. But one thing that stayed consistent was my responsibility to be Spider-Man... And having to put away all my rouge gallery again was a pain. I was hoping never to fight that God damn morbin vampire again but alas."

"You've done well for yourself; you have your place."

I laugh at this holding serval eviction notices. "That part I haven't quite figured out. I suppose you didn't come all the way to my neck of the Multi-Verse to talk; what's up? Another world-ending mission for me?"

"No, actually. I'm serious; I'm here just to see how you've been. We spent so much time trying to recruit you we got worried something happened."

"Oh, in that case. Is my ho-. Is earth-2016 safe?"

Gwen smiled, nodding. "Yes, yes, of course. Whatever spell Wanda did fix everything. The symbiote is gone alongside all the villains you took down. The Avengers, too and the other heroes from our world. Everything is playing out, I suppose, how it should have."

"What about Ashido? Is she safe? Is she alright?"

Gwen opened a portal ushering me forward. "Why don't you find out?"

My heart began racing, dazed. "You found it? No, I shouldn't. What if things start to go wrong again?"

"A little visit won't hurt; only extended stays will. But, trust me; you'll be fine."

I began slowly approaching the portal frozen. Then, finally, I started shaking my head. "No, no. I shouldn't; that's not where I belong, it isn't..."

"Look, Y/N." Gwen mustered up, looking away from me. "This might be the only chance you have ever to return; I know it hurts to think about it but don't you want to see the world you saved? You deserve the real goodbye; anyone can see that."

"Ok... Just one look around." I whisper. "I'll be five minutes."

"I'll start counting," Gwen stated as I entered the portal. "In about ten minutes."


The concept of nostalgia was always a strange one to me. I never really had that urge to relive my past, nor did it overwhelm me. But for once, I can admit this was different. Seeing the billboards of the Pros I practically grew up admiring was enough to bring a tear to my eye. I sat on the rooftop just watching Musutafu city pass me by. It was so different from New York, a whole new world; I suppose it isn't too far off to suggest.

Standing up, I put my mask on, feeling refreshed. "Sitting here won't make me feel satisfied. A little run around the old block wouldn't be so bad."

Flipping off the building, I began swinging through the neighbourhood; the path I took still edged into my head even after all this time; running across the walls, I jumped over the connecting bridge the trains used, feeling unbundled joy. This city was exactly how I remembered it from my dreams every night. But it was just better, no symbiote, no Otto or the Green Goblin. No Spider-Man; this was just how things were meant to be.

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