Royal Dates Setsuna&Yui

Start from the beginning

Setsuna began dropping fact after fact, after the fact, About mistakes in movies about them, About different groups that people often gave raptors. to even some theories she had in her head.'' IN MY FAVORITE DINO GAME, I HAVE TAMED LIKE A GAZILIAN OF THEM, AND I EVEN HAVE MADE A FULL FAMILY OF RAPTOR, CARNOSAURUS, AND TREX ALL BECAUSE THEY HAVE A SIMILAR LOOK ITS SOOOO COOL, DID YOU KNOW THE SMALLER RAPTORS OFTEN TEAMED UP TO EFFICIENTLY TAKE DOWN BIGGER PRAY THEN THEMSELVES.'' Wow, Didn't expect all that.'' Izuku said shockingly. He smiled as Setsuna enjoyed the ending part of the ride.

For the final part, You could pay extra to ride a Dino of your choice, Something Izuku bought for Setsuna without thinking about it. She of course took the Raptor, which resulted in a 10-minute run around the caged park. Setsuna laughed the entire way,'' OH MY GOD BABE THAT WAS GREAT.'' Setsuna cheered as she ran around Izuku in the parking lot.'' I know you have a date with Yui after this, But like I never want to leave here.'' Izuku laughed as he understood. He had those moments aswell, But all things must come to an end.

So as Fin opened the portal again.'' Hope your day was a joy.'' By Setsuna's laugh that was the case.'' Miss Could I bring you home, I would not feel right allowing a princess to walk around alone as the sky darkens.'' Fin asked with Izuku laughing.'' She could kick your ass Fin. But cya, I am heading to Yui.'' Izuku said as he started using his Tori Tori no Mi, Model: Phoenix( Bird Bird fruit model Phoenix) and started flying toward Yui's house. Using his phone to find the correct location he needed to be.

He had something fun for Yui. Not something really expensive for Izuku, They would just stay home and cook. He did have a gift for her.'' Oh it here.'' Izuku said, dropping to the floor in front of an apartment complex, He texted her thru the phone but she was sure he could come up, so he did. Knocking on the door, Yui opened up.'' I just need to grab my keys and wallet. and feed the cat, Mom and dad are out for the day and won't come back till tomorrow.'' Izuku nodded as he started thinking about the best way to move home.

'' Alright, We should head toward the shop first, grab some food, and I will get us a teleportation home,'' Yui in her normally Neutral look nodded. They moved quickly. Both wondered how the other vacation had been going. Izuku had his fun dates to talk about, However Yui had fun, She went with Kendo and Tetsutetsu, much like a third wheel to a movie she had been wanting to watch for a bit.'' What you wanting, I am thinking some nice ribs or maybe some good steak.'' With that Yui nodded. So Izuku took a couple of them, leaving them to grab some vegetables.

''Let's grab some asparagus,'' Yui asked with Izuku nodding. They moved toward the veggie section of the store and bought what they needed. Holding each other's hand the entire time. Thankfully the facemask Allowed for Izuku and Yui to not be interrupted. Thankfully as they stepped out of the store, Fin was already waiting on them.'' Miss Tokage has been Brought home safely,'' Izuku smiled as the portal opened up.'' Enjoy yourself tonight. I assume pick up will be required.'' Izuku just nodded as he walked thru the portal with Yui. Leaving Fin alone, But he would just walk toward Yui's house to get it marked

They stepped into Izuku's seaside Apartment.'' I think it Might be slightly early for Dinner.'' Yui nodded her head. So both decided to sit on the balcony for a bit. They looked at the sunlight bouncing off the waves, The fresh sea smell in the air. They were able to just relax.'' Hey, Yui, I was wondering, Why are you a fan of those Nesting dolls.'' Hmm. My grandma. She use to make them by hand, She was half Russian and used it to stay in touch with her roots.''

Izuku smiled.'' Oh wow, that's interesting, so you're like 12,5% Russian.'' Yui just shrugged, She didnt really have anything with Russia, She just liked her Grandma and the time they had spent together.'' I have a question for you. How come go to hero school, You could have been privately trained, so why?'' Izuku laughed, It was a question he had been asked before. Mostly by those he grew up with as a kid.'' I dont know. I know I could have got trained by All Might. Star and Stripe. The Jade Hero, Tundra, and The Protectors if I wanted to.'' 

Izuku named many of the world's greatest heroes. Heroes that were the TOP of their fields.'' I know I could have waited, And accepted requests of supermodels and shit, But I dont know, Something about going to school seemed so fun. Eating lunch in a crowded room, sitting in a box all day learning with friends. It just seemed too different than what I was used to, Plus It got me to meet all of you,'' Yui gave a content hum with a soft smile. She didnt want to make another sound, But her stomach rumbled.'' We should start cooking it seems.'' Izuku said standing up.

They moved to the kitchen together.'' You do veggies, I do meat?'' Yui nodded her head, moving to wash the vegetables. Izuku simply went to leave the season the meat. To not really lower the taste of the meat, Izuku just covered them in salt, Hopefully pulling the fluid out of the meat.'' Oh wait here, I got a gift for you.'' Izuku said excitedly as he ran into a different. He stayed there for a little bit, Before rushing out with a head-sized box.'' LOOK LOOK LOOK.'' Izuku Placed it in front of her.

'' Uhm is it the head of someone I know?'' Oh no, open it come on do it.'' Yui nodded, She had just finished cutting her part of the food, But cooking it could wait a little bit. So she pulled the box closer.'' Oh.'' Her eyes went wide as she pulled out a large Matryoshka Doll. It was styled after Izuku. A green top. freckles softly pained on it, his scar. The normal UA outfit was painted. She opened up, and it showed herself. Inside of a UA outfit. Her neutral face slowly changed into one with a smile.

She placed it next to Izuku, pulling out the next one. This time it was Izuku again. Green hair, and freckles, But now placed in his hero suit. The white suit, on his back written in the same Kanji as he had with even his sword painted on it. Izuku's smile nearly broke into laughter at the sound she made. It was absolutely adorable. Next, she pulled out as she expected a version of herself, wearing her hero outfit.'' I love it.'' She smiled bigger than she ever thought she could.'' There is more.'' Izuku said. She opened the final one seeing it held a necklace

She opened it. She looked at the heart symbol. engraved in it.'' I <3 Yui.'' This got tears to flow out. She made it drop to the table as she ran into Izuku's arm, Nearly kicking him over as she locked lips with Izuku. They stayed standing. in each other's arms for who knows how long, sharing kisses. '' We should really eat,'' Izuku told Yui who nodded. But sadly the night was over in a heartbeat. Yui went back home after a deep loving kiss. Understanding that Izuku had to get ready for his next dates.

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