CHAPTER 1 : Lazy

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Chapter 1:Lazy

*Tiffanys POV*

I tripped on a bannana peel and cracked my head open I went to ambulance and went to the hospital and had a brain sugery

I was going to my new school

I am a new kid in my new school

I didn't want to go there new faces, new teachers, basically new everything

I was here at my new home the night before school

Uhh I wonder how can it be

I'm the center of attention everyone staring at me everyone treating me harsh, no one likes me.UHHHHH!

Just at the thought of that I feel nervous and scared


As my timer rings I wake up and fall of my bed

"Stupid school!"I said I get up lazy and lay on my bed for a minute

I get up and pick a dress so I don't end up being the "stupid one"

As I go to my makeup section I pick a normal design. White eye shadow, black eyeliner, some powder, and some lip balm.

Once I'm satisfied I do my hair. After a few styles I decide to leave my hair down since its blond and everyone likes blond right?

I go down to the kitchen and eat some breakfast

I head to the door as I almost bump into someone my older brother, he is actually pretty cute, I think

"Hey, watch it Ri!"I say Ri is short for Riley

"You bumped into me, Tiff."he said

My name is Tiffany its short for Tiff. I have 3 brothers and 2 sisters

"Whatever Riley"I say as I walk past him

"Good Luck!"he says

I know Riley will have good day he always is like the stunning person in town I wish I was like him.

As I walk to school I get to see some of the kids walking to school too. At least I get to recognize them, right?

I look at some of the beautiful teenagers and think HOW COME I'M NOT PRETTY LIKE THEM WHY DO I HAVE TO BE UGLY!!

I go to the office to get my schedule. The principal is nice and tells me where to go though not nice enough to lead me there oh well on my own again!

As I get to my classroom everyone stares at me! OMG!

"You must be Tiffany,"the teacher says "you may take a seat anywhere"

I actually meant everyone, but the people in the back while a boy steals a glare at me and mouths "hi"!

I mean seriously just keep the mouth shut!

As I go and take a seat right behind a boy with ocean eyes that melt me!

As I sit down I be come lazy and go to sleep I barley keep my self awake and I lose power and I almost fell until I caught my self up. Surprisingly people glare at me. I figure I made a sound doing that oh well. As I feel someone tapping my back I turn around and stare at that girl and she starts laughing for no reason

"You look like a stupid bitch monster ha ha ha"she said

I started to become dizzy and my eyes are blurred and black dots come in my eyes and I faint

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