#Burrito Bucket

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We open to Babs putting on gloves while monologuing 

Babs: in a world hungry for justice.

Then ties up a band around her waist

Babs: where citizens thirst for righteousness.

And puts on a small sombrero 

Babs: and yearn for the taste of freedom

She then puts on a coat and name tag not spelling her name. BABRA

Babs: one woman's there to serve them liberty they so desperately crave

She then strikes a pose in her new jobs outfit

We then cut to the outside revealing to be a Mexican restaurant burrito bucket

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We then cut to the outside revealing to be a Mexican restaurant burrito bucket. 

Babs: buckets and buckets of burrito's

She walks out whistling until being called out

S: Gordon

We pan up from shoes to a guy with a large nose and annoyed look

We pan up from shoes to a guy with a large nose and annoyed look

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Babs: Buenos dias, Shane.

Shane: That's Mr. O'Shaughnessy to you! And you're late. Again!

Babs: I am?

Shane: That's the sixth time this week, Gordon, and it's only Monday!

Babs: Oh, sorry, Shane. Er, Mr. O'Shaughnessy, sir.

Shane: Listen, Gordon, some people know the importance of a good work ethic. Punctuality, responsibility. 

He then lists of the the words. He then takes the hat and shoves it back on Babs

Shane: Some people take their job seriously.

The hat was shoved so down it covers half of of Babs face. 

Babs: Believe you me, Senor O'Shaughnessy, nothing's more important to me than this job. I love Burrito Bucket. I've been a fan of Burrito Bucket since I was five!

She then whips out her phone showing a picture of her hugging a bucket when she was five

Shane: Whatever. If you're late one more time, today, tomorrow, for the rest of your life, you're fired!

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