Never fall inlove - Vex

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As Vox Machina stepped once again into Whitestone, months after the fall of the briarwoods. The last of the twins hugging herself into Percy as they walk.

Keyleth and Scanlan looked towards Y/n, a half-elf blood hunter whom had fallen for her fellow half elf.

Grog grabs Pike and Y/n as he sees a rather empty Inn before charging in.

"Grog get back here!" Scanlan whisper yelled as he watched the goliath throw y/n over his shoulder and carry Pike under his arm.

At the sound, Vex and Percy turn to see Pike's little legs dissappear into the building.

Percy slapped his face, groaning. Vex smirked softly when she noticed the blood hunter was no long with the group either.

The rest of the team followed into the Inn, only to see Pike and Grog emptying a large keg of ale while Y/n hid under her silver cloak hood.

"Y/N! DRINK WITH" Grog beltches "US!"

Y/n shakes her head, a hand on her face. The rest of vox machina sits at the table with the three as the smallest and the largest members of the team got hammered.

As the team sat, Y/n watched Vex from under her hood. A soft smile on her lips as she admired her, the way she spoke, laughed, her sarcastic remarks.

Until Percy wrapped an arm behind Vex's chair, causing the hunter to look away before taking a sip of her drink.

Keyleth gently rubbed her back, a sad smile on her face. Y/n and Keyleth had grown up together, y/n being Keyleth's guard of sorts.

Y/n looked towards the druid and gave a tearful smile as Keyleth lifted her hood, just enough for her to see Y/n's full face.

From the other side of the table, Vex watched the two enviously and sighed before turning all her attention to the others.


After hours of drinking, the group began to head up to their quarters. Pike being carried up by a slightly blushing Scanlan, Grog stumbling behind them. Percy stood and turned to Vex "Coming darling?" Vex smiled and nodded, following behind him.

As Keyleth stood, she turned to her best friend. "You coming up?" Y/n shook her head. "I'll be up soon.. just need some alone time" The druid nodded and kissed the top of Y/n's head before heading up.

Y/n took a deep breath before removing her hood. Revealing her long elven ears, one shredded. Her face scarred from her left eye to the back of her head. Long y/h/c hair and her eyes a soft Amber.

Standing slowly as she removed her cloak, she placed it on the table along with her sword before  walking to the small platform stage

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Standing slowly as she removed her cloak, she placed it on the table along with her sword before walking to the small platform stage.

Standing slowly as she removed her cloak, she placed it on the table along with her sword before  walking to the small platform stage

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Gently running her fingers over the instruments she sees.

As she takes in the quiet, she begins to hum softly.

As she sings, she closes her eyes and pictures Vex.

"I've been in love so many times
Thought I knew the score
But now you've treated me so wrong
I can't take anymore
And it looks like
I'm never gonna fall in love again
Fall in love, I'm never gonna fall in lo-o-ve
I mean it
Fall in love a-a-a-a-a-a-a-gain"

When she next opened her eyes, she watched as Percy and Vex'alia danced with smiles on their faces, holding their daughter at their wedding. Y/n stood to the side, singing softly with her cloak tightly around her body.

"All those things I heard about you
I thought they were only lies
But when I caught you in his arms
I just broke down and cried
And it looks like
I'm never gonna fall in love again
Fall in love, no, I'm never gonna fall in lo-o-ve
I mean it, I mean it
Fall in love a-a-a-a-a-a-a-gain"

Keyleth placed her arm around her friend.

"I gave my heart so easily
I cast aside my pride
But when you fell for someone else, baby
I broke up all inside
And it looks like
I'm never gonna fall in love again
That's why I'm singing
Fall in love, no, I'm never gonna fall in lo-o-ve
Please don't make me
Fall in love again"

With a fake smile towards the bride and groom, she turned away and began to walk away, returning to her home far way as Keyleth watched. Leaving a simple blue rose on the ground as a goodbye.

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