"Its not nice to see a pretty girl frown" He commented as a blush filled my features I shook my head laughing silently as he smile knowing the frown was wiped off my face.

He put his blinker on and turned into a place called Earnies Arcadia.

"You really brought us to an arcade" I raised my eyebrows as Darcy began to cheer.

"Hell yeah I did" He spoke as i gave him a look telling him not to swear around Darcy.

"I mean heck yeah I did" He corrected himself while giving me a dazzling smile.

"Well ok then sir, but I must tell you I play a mean skeeball, might want to hold onto your man card" I winked as I helped Darcy out of the car.

"Its on joy." Little did he know I never back down to a challenge. I am a very competitive girl.

"You bet Horan" I retorted as we walked into the restaurant. The sound of arcade games went off and the smell of greasy foods filled my senses.

"Mommy mommy, I want to play" Darcy whined while tugging me toward the games.

"Darcy" Niall bent down to face her height. "We are going to get something to eat first, then you can play all the games you want" He tugged on one of her curls causing her to smile. "Ok" She cheered as she followed Niall to a table.

We all sat down it was me and Darcy with Niall sitting across from us. I look through the menu and everything that was on here was breast junk food. Memories flash through my head of me and Harry going to this arcade when we were younger. And every thought about Harry dragged my mood down.

"Your frowning, why are you frowning" Niall questioned while scooping a handful of popcorn into his mouth, which was because the waiter put a bowl of popcorn on the table. A few pieces missed his mouth and fell to his lap.

"Me and Harry used to come to arcades like this" I shyly admitted as he looked at me with sympathy. Niall reached over and gingerly grasped my hand. "Tiffany I am so sorry he isn't here tonight" He spoke concern dripping through his voice. I looked down at Darcy who was carelessly scribbling on her menu not paying attention to the conversation.

"Its not your fault he's not here" I looked down at the promise ring and bit my lip, "He must have more important things to do."

"Tiffany hes an ass sometimes, but he does love you" Niall spoke with a somewhat edge to his tone.

"It just gets me mad how he is out partying when you and Darcy are here. What kind of man would treat a lady as sweet and genuine as you like this" He frowned while sipping his beer.

"Its fine I guess right now all I need to focus on is my little one" I motioned down to Darcy, "and kicking your ass at skeeball" I smirked while picking up a piece of popcorn and throwing it up into the air and into my mouth.

"Nice" He motioned to the piece of popcorn that i caught into my mouth.

"Darcy what are you drawing" I looked down and saw two stick figures on of a girl with brown hair and one with a guy, but with blond. They were holding hands.

"You and Niall" She spoke as she scribbled little details down and her face full of concentration.

Niall was looking at the paper with flushed cheeks as I just let it slide. Everything after that went simply. Our food came we sat and ate. Niall faster than the rest of us.

"Now that we have ate its time to crush you in skee ball" I squinted my eyes jokingly while running over to the game, Darcy following closely behind.

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