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"Daddy!" I hear my four year old son scream from across the play ground. "I'm coming, hold your horses! Sheesh.." My husband says planting a kiss on my temple and smiling at me before standing up and rushing back towards the park swings, the just fallen leaves crunching underneath  his dress shoes.


I watch them talking, or more like my son's mouth running a mile a minute and my husband standing there smiling and nodding his head.


"Push me! Push me! Push me!" our son repeats over and over again. "What is the magic word?" his daddy quizes him. 


"Pweasssse?!" He says sticking out his bottom lip and giving his dad the puppy dog eyes. My husband being the sucker he is chuckles and begins to gently push our son on the park swings. 


A soft chilly breeze runs through the valley ruffling my hair. I close my eyes and feel the cool air prickling my cheeks and listening to my son's laughter in the distance.

Sitting here on the old park bench that seems to hold so many untold memories, I can't help but remember how all this came to be. How it began...

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