I leaned down next to her ear placing my chin on her shoulder. "If you want me to I'll tell you right now but I don't think you'll be able to handle that.", I told her and placed a small kiss in the crook of her neck before returning to my standing position.


We sat in the plane as it was about to start. "Have I ever told you that I don't like flying?", she whispered. "It won't be that bad.", I told her and put my phone in my pocket. "Yeah but being stuck in a cabin like this one for nine hours is great", she huffed frustratedly. "Just sleep as soon as we are in the air.", I told her. "If that was so easy.", she whispered and turned her head away from me.

"Please take your seats and remain seated until this signal appears. When it does service will start.", the flight attendant explained before disappearing behind the curtain. The plane started moving and I glanced at her. She was basically trying to evaporate into the seat. She closed her eyes and clenched her jaw. After about half a minute the plane stopped shaking and the signals turned on. I unclipped my belt and turned to her. She looked at me. 

"Was it that bad?", I asked her. "I had it memorized differently.", she sighed. The flight attendant came up to us and asked us if we wanted anything. "No thank you.", Alicia kindly declined. I shook my head and turned closed my cabin door. "Domenico.", Alicia gasped. "What?", I asked her. "You don't just close the door on someone.", she lectured me. I shrugged and looked at Ares.

She closed her door too and pulled her iPad out. "What are-", I was interrupted by her putting the wall up between us. "You gotta be fucking kidding.",I scoffed. I heard her giggles from the other side. I knocked on the wall and she lowered it. "What was that for?", I asked her. "How does it feel when someone closes the door in you're face?", she asked me. "I didn't close it in her face. Plus I gave her the answer before closing it.", I stated. "Well still doesn't feel good does it?", she asked. I gave her a slight nod and she turned back to her iPad.

"I was going to ask what you were doing.", I told her as she opened a drawing program. "Nothing just a little hobby of mine.", she shrugs. "You design clothes?", I asked her. "Its just a hobby, while growing up I spent a lot of time with my aunt who's a fashion designer in Italy.", she explained as I saw a familiar blue dress. "Wasn't that what you wore on the first day?", I asked her. "Yeah.", she nodded. "They look good.", I told her and sat back down in my seat. She thanked me and started a new canvas.


Apollo jumps up on the divider and nudges me. He slightly bites my hand and tugs on it. I look at Alicia who seemed to be having a nightmare. She held onto my hand for dear life. As carefully as I could I placed her head on my shoulder and stroked her head a few times before going back to checking in with the bases in New York. But she started squirming in her sleep and quiet winces came from her.


I let go of her hand and place her head back on the head rest like its supposed to. I got out of my cabin closing the door behind me and rounded the isle to get to her seat. When I got to her cabin I open the door and slide in with her. Apollo jumps over the divider and takes a seat on my chair. Slowly I lift her out of her chair into my arms and take a seat in her chair. I place her in my lap and lift her legs to lay on my chair, next to Apollo. I wrap my arms around her and stroke her head softly. "I'm here.", I whisper to her. "You're safe with me amore", I tell her and place a small kiss on her head. She calms down a little bit and I slightly relax. "Scared the living fuck out of me.", I sighed closing my eyes.


"Please return to your seats and put your seatbelts back on. We are getting ready for landing.", the speakers announced and I got up and placed Alicia in her seat closing the seat belt around her waist. I got out of her cabin and walked over to mine. When I sat down I slightly shook her hand. "Dea.", I called out. She hummed and lazily opened her eyes. "We are about to land.", I told her. She nodded and sat up straight rubbing her eyes. "Was I sleeping for a long time?", she asked and yawned. "Not that I noticed considering I slept too.", I shrugged.

The plane landed and we packed our stuff. When we got off we made our way to the parking lot where my car was standing. I put our things in the trunk and the two dogs in the backseat. Alicia got in too and we started driving.

We drove along the mountains as she looked out the window. "Uhh I remember this place.", she smiled excitedly. "My father proposed to my mother on that cliff. I hope that one day someone will propose to me here.", she told me with dreamy eyes. "I believe your hopes will come true one day.", I told her with a slight smile.

After another 10 minutes of driving we finally got to the hotel. Its around six am. The sun soon starts rising. I stop the car and open the trunk for the door boys. "Welcome mister Millan. How was your trip?", they asked me. "Good. Are our rooms ready?", I asked him. "We currently only have one king sized room available. All the other rooms are already booked sir. We sincerely apologize.", he explained. I looked at Alicia and she just smiled. "Are you comfortable sharing a room?", I asked her. She just nodded and took the dogs out of the back seat. "We'll take it.", I told him and he nodded gesturing us to follow him.

When we arrived at the room I opened the door and rolled in the suitcases. She looked at the huge glass window and turned to me. "Look how pretty.", she pointed out to the sunrise. "Mhm very pretty.", I agree pulling the suitcase to the sofa. "I'll just sleep on the sofa until they have another room available.", I told her and pulled my shower stuff out of the bag. "The bed is big enough to fit both of us, we'll just put pillows between us.", she shrugged. I looked at her surprised. "If you wanted us to sleep together you should've just said that.", I teased. "I DIDN'T MEAN LIKE THAT.", she squealed. "Yeah yeah, sure. I'll go take a shower. Don't fall over the railing.", I told her and opened the bathroom door hearing a muffled "I won't fall I'll jump" in response.

I turn on the water and see her through the two way mirror. Maybe I should let loose a bit. I'm mainly here so that she can have some fun without Ryan trying to kill her where ever she goes.


I walked out of the bathroom and saw her sitting on the floor picking out what to wear. "You can go shower if you want.", I told her and she looked up at me. Her eyes got stuck on my v line and then slowly moved up to my face. "Sorry.", she apologized looking away. "Puoi guardare. Non scusarti. È tuo.", I told her softly grabbing her chin tilting it to look at me. She looked at me in surprise as she realized what I had told her. "Tutto tuo.", I told her and her eyes sparkled. "Se avessi saputo che sarebbe successo sarei stato nudo", she whispered catching me off guard. She stood up and wrapped her arms around my neck. "I can play the same games you can Dom.", she whispered and placed the softest kiss I have ever received under my ear. She turned around grabbed her underwear and entered the bathroom.

I walked up to the door and knocked on it. "Yes?", she asked. "Open up.", I told her. "No.", she laughed. "Alicia.", I almost growled. "When I'm done, I'm not wearing anything.", she replied. "That'll make it easier.", I answered. "Dominico wait until I'm done.", she said. "Fine.", I huffed.

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