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We arrived at my apartment and he got out first. I followed as we made our way to my home.The men who I figured out where his guards nodded as we entered. When we arrived at the door he turned to me and handed me the leashes of Apollo and Ares. "Keys?", he asked and I handed them to him. He opened the door and the lights were off. He entered and slowly made his way through the apartment.

I waited for him to tell me to enter. Apollo sat in front of me as Ares was too eager to enter the apartment and rip apart whoever was in there that he didn't like. "You won't like this.", Domenico sighed as he opened the door and turned on the light.

Everything was destroyed. From the bowl I kept my keys in to the the sofa cushions. I walked through the apartment into my bedroom. I had locked the door since I keep my documents and jewelry in there. The door was broken down. I looked through my closet and saw that my documents were in tact so was my emergency cash stack.

I walked out into the living room were Domenico held his phone to his ear. He saw me and I tried to not let the tears slip from my eyes but they did. He immediately came up to me hugging me trying to comfort me. "I'll find whoever did this, I promise.", he whispered as he sat down on the sofa after putting a random blanket over it and pulled me into his chest. "I'll get them and make them suffer to the point where even the devil's scared.", he said as he stoked my head. "Why does this always happen to me?", I sob. "This happened before?", he asked me stilling for a second. I nod. "I don't care about all these things, but what if I hadn't take Apollo and Ares with me. Or if I was here-", I worried.

"Listen.", he said pulling me away from his chest. "I know we just met, but I Domenico Kane Millan will never for as long as I walk this fucking planet let anything or anyone harm you or the people you love and hold dear.", he said looking at me and I slightly smiled at him. "Non permetterò che succeda nulla al tuo sorriso, quello che amo così tanto.", he spoke. "Gracie.", I smiled and placed a small kiss on his cheek.

He loves my smile.

"You speak Italian?", he questioned. "Made in Italia.", I smiled as I ran my hands down my sides with tears till in my eyes. "You couldn't bother to tell me?", he asked me as he got up. "Well I thought you already knew since I stated that in my application and I have a pretty Italian name don't you think, Alicia Dea Russo.", I stated raising my brow. "Ugh, I knew that smile was my down fall.", he sighed. "But you love it, you said it yourself.", I smiled. He looked at me and shrugged.


"Pack some clothes. You won't be able to sleep here.", he pointed out. I nodded and pulled out a duffel bag. "Take a suitcase. Are you forgetting about the business trip?", he asked. "I wasn't thinking about that.", I told him and tried lifting the suits case off my closet.

How did I even get that up there?

I felt his presence behind me and his breath on my head. "All you have to do is say please.", he smirked. I turned around and looked at him giving him the biggest puppy eyes I can possibly achieve. He stared into my eyes as I did the same to him. We basically were trying to stare into each other's souls but he was the one succeeding. "Please?", I huffed. "Of course Mia Dea.", he smiled making his dimples almost attack me with his cuteness.

He placed the suitcase down on my bed. "How long do you think will I be gone?", I asked him. "With the trip about a month or so. Your place is basically totaled.", he shrugged. I nodded and put most of my shirts into the suitcase, a few dresses a lot of pants. "I'll put your shoes into the bag.", he pointed out and kneeled down next to my shoe display. I walked up next to him and basically grabbed most the the underwear I could without dropping anything on his head. I giggled at the thought of him with a pair of my undies on his head looking up at me. "What's so funny?", he asked. "Nothing don't worry about it.", I smiled and walked to my suitcase.

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