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I run into the lobby of hopefully my new work place, completely drenched by the rain. As quick as I possibly can ,without slipping, I walk up to to the reception and give the elderly lady a warm smile which she returns.

"How can I help you darling?", she asked me. "Uhm I have a job interview today and I was wondering where I have-", I explained until I was interrupted by someone clearing their throat. I turned to the side and saw a men dressed in a black suit looking down at me. "Oh my god, did I cut the line? I'm so sorry.", I apologized to the man who then looked at me in confusion.

"No, actually I was here to see if you were here for your interview.", he spoke scanning me from top to bottom. He had a really deep nice voice, it would've been soothing but his looks made it really intimidating. "Would you please follow me to my office for your interview?", he asked and I just nodded.

He started walking towards the elevators when one of the doors open the elevator operator greeted us. "My office", he ordered and the door closed. After about two or three awkward minutes in the elevator the door opened and I thanked the elevator boy before following the man who seams to be the boss.

He opens the door to his office and walks in. "Sit.", he gestured and I sat down. "You got the Job.", he stated bluntly. My eyes widen in surprise. "I'm sorry?", I asked. He looked at me like I was some type of alien and pushed a thin binder towards me.

"Here is your contract.", he said and placed a pen on top of it. "Read through it and sign under the doted line.", he explained as I opened the binder and started reading it. "Take your time and ask if you have any questions.", he stated and leaned back. "Thank you", I thanked him and started reading it.


I was almost done and I understood everything until I got to this point.

Alicia Dea Russo must be known to the risks of her job.

"Im sorry but I don't really understand this.", I broke the silence and sat up straight showing him what I didn't understand. "Well there are certain risks as to working this close to me.", he spoke. "Those are?", I asked him. "I have a question for you.", he said and looked me into my eyes.

My heart rate sped up due to the eye contact we were having. His green colored eyes seamed to swallow me whole not leaving a single inch of me for anyone else to see.

"Do you know who I am and what you are getting yourself into right now?", he asked me. I broke the eye contact and looked at my hands which were laying in my lap. "Well there are rumors that say that you have been involved with illegal activities such as the mafia and other organizations.", I spoke loud enough for only him to understand. "And you still decided to apply for this job?", he asked. "They are just rumors and Im not one to trust them.", I told him.

"What if I told you they were true?", he asked leaning back scanning my reactions. "Well I believe that everyone needs a little help so it wouldn't change my will to work for you, sir", I explained averting my gaze to my lap again. I felt like an ant under his gaze.

"There are certain risks like you getting followed, worst case scenario is you getting stalked. I will provide security and protection for you by my best men.Considering that I lead the mafia you will get the best protection available.", he explained. "Thank you.", I smiled at him. He just nodded and asked me if I had any more questions. In reply I shook my head and signed the contract.

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