Chapter one

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3 weeks earlier

Cherry's pov

Stealth that's what learned growing up. Well that and pain. Being home schooled by criminals is like evil training. Actually that's exactly what it is.

Three gun shots pull me out of my thoughts. As I sneak past the exit wall I see the guards. Yes my family is braking into government base BUT I have nothing to do with it.

   I am the only Blanc who has not committed a crime. Distraction is me and my cousins art. Crap my cousin. Joseph Blanc my favorite cousin. The only thing we share is a last name and an art for getting in trouble. Looks wise we are polar opposites. Him with black hair and light brown eyes and me with blonde hair, ice blue eyes and the family  nose.

    "Joseph come here before you blow something up." I whisper shout.

   "Cher relax I'm not going to blow anything up. I have one question though." He says

   "Ok, shoot but be quick." I say.

   "Why do you always think I'm going to burn something?" He asks.

Damn out of all the questions that he could have asked it had to be that one. The real reason is so different from the one I tell everyone. What happened that day he doesn't need to know.


Me, Joseph and my older brother Evan were sitting in the kitchen of one of our many properties. I was on the counter while the boys were cooking. We heard a loud knock from the front door. Joseph turned around not paying attention to the stove
my brother left the room and went to check the door. As he left he threw the blue and white kitchen towel on the gas stove. Joseph felt the fire first then me. I started to scream to put the fire out but Joseph just stood there starring.

Evan heard the screaming and ran in. He grabbed me, his phone and his wallet then left the house. That's when the fire started to spread. Quickly my brother called 911. Joseph came out of the house came towards us.

    "Cher, Evan you two good." He asked

All we did was hug him. 911 showed up and put the fire out. As we got in to the ambulance. the doctor gave Evan and Joseph   a drug to make the lose the past 24 hours out of there minds and make it seem like tomorrow was today. The only reason I didn't take it was the fact someone had to remember ...

I don't remember what  happened after that. They may have drugged me who knows.

" I say that to you cause ever since you where little you loved fire." I lie.

"Oh so a Pyromaniac. Ok well cool." He says. Ah so stupid.

A siren screams from the distance. Crap the royals. The Ryans the royal family. The most annoying people ever. Ok maybe I just hate the way they rule but that's understandable.
Oh fudge. Screw it I take back what I said about all royals being assholes. Derrick Jaxon Ryans. The ONLY royal I can stand.

No I don't have a crush on him. I just respect him. The reason I  can tolerate him is he stood up for me when the fire happened.

"There's the Ryans. Be careful." Joseph says

"Ok I  will. Don't worry." I call

I creep around the side of the building and under the bridge. I put my head down to check my phone and run into someone. I  look up and there he is.

My Father. Ya I got you what did you think I was going to run into the prince. Oh hell no he's kept under the watchful eye of at least 5 guards.

"Cherry we have a mission for you."

What why I'm the one agent who doesn't get missions. And I'm not trying to start now.



I honestly don't know why i was late but it's out so ya. I'm going on a no electronics trip next week so I might not be able to post so bye until next time
Bye, Gracie rose

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