Chapter 9

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Everyone from the bar has made it to the Heathens club house which is attached to their car repair shop.

I was hesitant at first but figured it was a good opportunity to get some inside knowledge of the goings on of the club.

I was surprised to find that the club house was first and foremost, a house. When i walked through the front door there was a large lounge room off to the right, and a modern kitchen to the left with a staircase in front of me. Most people were in the lounge room drinking and chatting. Charlotte however led me up the stairs. The second floor was were all the bedrooms and bathrooms were.

"How many people actually live here"

Charlotte laughed a little before answering me " only 8 of us live here full time, but we have 12 rooms. The spares are for anyone who might need some place to crash for short term, mainly when they are too drunk to go home"

I continue to follow Charlotte down the hallway. She opens a door at the end of the main hallway.

"This is the most privat room in the house and its across the hall from mine. So this is yours if Elliot decides we need to remain on lockdown".

I dont feel comfortable spending the night here with so many unknown faces watching me, but it is a prime opportunity to gather some useful info on the club and hopefully on Elliot.

"Thanks Charlotte, i really appreciate you looking out for me"

"Of course! I look out for my friends, especially when my brother makes googly eyes at them"

I look at her shock written across my face.

"What are you talking about"

"Oh come on. Its obvious he has a thing for you, anyone who saw the two of you after the blast woul know that"

"I dont have a thing for your brother Charlotte"

"I never said you did" she says with a wink, then leaves the bedroom and me standing alone with my jaw on the floor.

Once ive regained my composure I jog out of the room to catch up with her and we head down to the living room to join the others.

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