Chapter 2

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Buzz-buzz. Buzz-Buzz.

"Arrrgggggh." I scream. Whoever has my phone buzzing endlessly must be super important if not, I won't spare him or her. I yank off my leopard print sleeping mask and locate my phone. Here I was hoping it was my personal shopper bringing me good news as always.

"Becky, why are calling me at such an ungodly hour?"

"For starters, I'm your best friend. I can call you whenever I want to. Secondly, it's 10:00 am princess."

"Are you serious?" I pull up the curtain to confirm and I'm suddenly hit by the ray from the sun.

"Anyways, Annie can you remember that guy you've been crushing on so badly?"

"My night in shining amour? Of course, how can I forget. What's up with him? I'll never understand why that guy hasn't even responded to any of my advances. Oh my God!"

"What's it Annie?"

"Could it be that he's intimidated by my bodyguards?"

"I doubt that. Now back to the major reason why I called. He just tweeted 'A woman that can cook' accompanied with a thousand love emojis."

"Are you trying to insult me? You clearly know that I can't cook so why would you call me to tell me this?"

"Relax girl. I was thinking, what if you have your chef prepare something good and then put on an apron, take a picture and tweet it."

"Oh my God. You are the best, girlfriend. I'm definitely adding an extra Aldo bag from their new collection to my cart later on in the day. One for you and one for me."

"You should see me jumping for joy. I have been eyeing that bag since they released it three days ago. Talk later princess. Love ya."

I slap on some light makeup here and there. We don't want it looking obvious. I pick up my rob and head to the kitchen. A place I haven't stepped into in ages. The table is always set for all our meals for the day so I do not have any business in the kitchen and there's a giant cooler on the hallway stocked up."

Where on the surface of the earth did chef Rose go? She's no where in sight. I've searched the kitchen, the store and the hallway. Could it be that she went grocery shopping? Just as I'm about to retire from my search hunt, Bianca, her chat partner walks in.

"Where did all the staff go? Precisely chef Rose?"

"Good day ma'am. A few of us where given the weekend off. That includes Rose. The boss mentioned you would sort yourself out by ordering breakfast, lunch and dinner or eat out. If that will..... ma'am are you okay?"

"1,2,3,4.. Annie, breathe. 5,6,7,8,9,10. No, I'm not! I need her here ASAP."

"I'm sorry ma'am but she's already on a train heading home. I spoke with her not too long."

"I thought the staff quarters is home?"

"Some of us have a life outside the four walls of this estate. Besides, you really don't eat her food so what do you urgently need her for that even has you losing your breath ma'am?"

"You have no right to ask me such a ridiculous question. You all work for my father which technically means you work for me."

"Young lady, I work for your father and your father alone. Did nobody teach you respect child?"

"You will not talk to me in such a manner. I decide who stays and who goes."

"If that will be all, I would love to join my family just like the others."

"I'll have you fired!" I scream as she walks away.

"Poor thing" Bianca murmured.

"I heard that!"

That old woman. Who let her into this house to begin with? I can't do this. Scratch that, I won't do this. My delicate fingers, my newly fixed nails, my expensive night rob. There's no way I'm going through all that for a man. I can have any man I want. Well, except this one."

I began to retreat to my room when my phone beeps. It was a text from Becky.

"Girl, there's trouble in paradise. Chef rose has gone home."

"This is not happening. This is the perfect time to get him to notice you."

"I know. Should I order breakfast and take a picture of it with me in an apron?"

"No girl. He'll definitely suspect something odd. Let me try and figure out something."


"Here's what will happen. You'll just fry a few eggs and toast a slice of bread or two. Leave a few strands of hair flying around, you know, the messy bun look. Then take a selfie and that's all."

"I do not know how to switch on the cooker let alone fry eggs."

"You can read and write right?"

"Spare me the sarcasm. Then what about the eggs and toast?"

"Ever heard of YouTube? Besides, you shouldn't be concerned with the proportion of the spices. He's not going to taste it. Now get going girl. The clock is ticking."

Rose, why of all days did you decide today is the perfect day to spend time with your family? How on earth would I know where the spices are kept? There are a thousand and one drawers and a million cupboards in this kitchen. It's going to take me decades to find every single thing I need. Just the thought alone gives me anxiety. Annie, it's just toast and egg not a banquet.

I whip the eggs just as the video instructs. Chopped a few vegetables I found in the fridge. Although I'm not so proud of the sizes I chopped them into. Blame it on the gloves. Who cares though? So long as it adds beauty and color to the egg.

"Alexa, play me Forever young by Alphaville."

I scoop a spoon of butter and toss it into the pan from a distance. I don't want nothing spoiling this beautiful skin of mine. Here comes my favourite part. I grab a wooden spatula and position myself for my epic performance.

"1,2,3 and Some are like water, some are like the heat

Some are a melody and some are the beat

Sooner or later they all will be gone

Why don't they stay young? I do a quick twirl and then jump on the center counter.

It's so hard to get old without a cause

I don't want to perish likeeee

Youth's like diamonds in the sun

And diamonds are forever

So many adventures given up today

So many songs we forgot to play

So many dreams swinging out of the blue

Oh let it com......"

What's that smell? Where's it comin... sweet Lorddddddd! The pan is on fire. Save me Lord. I take off my glove and hit it on the fry pan. It bends and the over heated butter pours into the fire. The fire increases and everywhere begin to get choky. The fire alarm starts ringing causing water to fly everywhere.

"Sir you can't go in there. I won't let you. We have it under control."

"Can someone get my Princess out of there this moment? James!!!"

"I'm on it sir."

Second chapter is up
You'll get to see James more from the next chapter.

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