Chapter 14: Painful Secrets

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Cielo and I got to know one another better and once again, I could tell Taline was looking at us and had the same expression she had earlier. She was clearly drowning in her own jealousy watching me with another girl.

The night went by smoothly and thankfully Taline and I did not get on each other's throats like we did the last time we saw each other.


I woke up abruptly, thanks to a nightmare and having dreamt of the night Ben was killed in front of me. I still remembered my bloodstained shirt, my bloodstained hands, shouting for someone to help us. I remembered holding Ben, as he struggled to breathe while I cried for fear that he was going to die.

That night was etched into my mind and I would never forget it. It would follow me around like a paper trail, everywhere.

I looked over at Khaled, sound asleep and without a single worry. I so envied that about him and Louai but again, without ill intent. They lived fruitful and productive lives whereas, at one point, I had a similar upbringing but without the celebrity attention.

I got up slowly, hoping to not awaken Khaled since we were sharing a room. Stepping out, I walked as slowly as I could and headed to the kitchen area as I was both thirsty and hungry, and it was 4am.

Opening the fridge, I grabbed a bottle of water and started downing it. I ended up with a slight brain freeze.

"Brain freeze?" I heard Louai.

"Yeah" I said, turning around.

"What's keeping you awake?"

"Nightmares. You?"

"Just woke up and couldn't fall back asleep."

"Any reason in particular?" I asked though I decided to leave out the sarcasm.

"I had a nightmare too."

"Care to talk about it?" I sat down on the island and he sat across from me.

"Sure" he said in a surprised tone. "But I'm curious as to why you're even asking me about my nightmare? I thought I was the last person you ever wanted to talk to."

"I felt that way...for a while. But I won't lie, the hurt is still there because of what you put me through."

"It's okay. I judged you without you having deserved it, and I suppose I deserved how you treated me, too."

"Look, you are my cousin, and the last thing I want us for us to be enemies. And I hope from this point on we can have a peaceful relationship."

"It's a promise. I am so sorry for how I treated you and for the public humiliation I made you endure. I'm also sorry I broke you and Taline up."

Hearing him say it, made me wonder just how bad he felt.

"I see" I said, trying to take in what he just told me.

"And you were right."

"About what?"

"Remember when you told me the day of your first model shoot? How I would remember that conversation and how I was going to regret it?"

And just like that, I remembered.


"Well, you were right. I remember that conversation more and more and now I do regret everything...just as you said I would" his eyes began to water, tears streaming down his face.

Second Chances: a Coincidences novel (Book 2)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin