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I sucked it up and got up. Either this man was having a crappy day or is a crappy person in general. Either way, his attitude led to me falling on the floor. 

I got up and began descending the stairs. I reached the checkout line and saw none other than the sexy guy from earlier. 

“Just this?” He asked.

“No, I also want to take that decorative succulent, please.” I rolled my eyes.

“Do you want to join the membership club?” He asked, completely ignoring my sassy remark.

“Is it free?” I asked. He shrugged.

“Yeah.” Is all he said.

“Sure.” I responded. He made me fill out a form to the side while he attended to other people. I handed him my application and he took it and then pulled out a camera.

“Smile.” He said out of nowhere and took my picture.

“Wait a minute! I wasn’t ready!” I pleaded. He ignored me and the small printer began to print a library card.

He chuckled deeply, covering his lips as he looked at my card. I snatched it and looked at the picture. It was my face but I was caught off guard so I was looking at the left instead of the camera. And my hair was a bit messy.

“Can I retake it?” I asked.

“Nah. Here you go, Easton.” He said and handed my book. “Return it in a few days. Or never. Whatever you want.” He then turned and walked away.

I walked out the store, flustered that I met such a sexy guy but an asshole. I didn’t even do anything to him. Just admired him and crashed into him.

I’m getting that succulent.


bye! i love you all!


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