chapter 2

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Why nights still
Felt lonely , when you
Are at my side?
Don't know things changed
Or us but
Regrets are, only that,
it doesn't matter
Me Anymore !


World of fantasies ! Unknown from always , but not untouched by the curious people . A world which seemed to be full of beauties , ofcourse different from our world .

We always think a imaginery world is more beautiful than ours , isn't ? But is every thing which pleases our eyes is, beautiful ?

Each thing you have today, is came with a price, whether it's power or position. Then , how can I let you travel without doing anything , so please vote ! And ! Let me introduce myself , I'm payal , your storyteller!

In our vast universe , there are many secrets which are still needs to be unfold . So, one of the secrets , which today is going to be unfold is , a dreamy planet.
So, without any delay let's move forward with story,

Away from our milky way there is exists a galaxy , Astramada in which this beautiful planet , otilla exist . Home to seven beautiful fairies , which represents the basics of this universe , namely , water , air , fire , space , earth , war and wisdom.

A beautiful place , where flowers are even larger than a normal human on earth and filled with so peace , that there is no place for violence .

This beautiful place , holds many powers which are enough to tarnish anyone . That's why , it was guarded by a beautiful lady guardian and her seven fairies , who even train there students in otilla's academy for it's security.

But , now these all things are only a past . It is still beautiful but who cares , as peace is long gone. Everything changed in a moment on a single day. That unlucky day !

what happened that everything changed in a single moment , tarnishing everything ? Excited ! Then , why don't you go on the ride of past , a past unknown to you , away from your world , in the arms of your own imagination.

So, without wasting time, let's come with the story (. ❛ ᴗ ❛.)

Ema , a smart beautiful lady , in everyone's eyes . She used to be guardian of this Dreamland otilla . But, today she is only a prisoner . As throne is not hers . It's long gone.

It all started with the arrival of 25th coronation day , the day which is going to be biggest feasts of centuries in otilla .

This is the same day, when Ema is going to leave her place with the arrival of new queen . A important day , which comes once in every five centuries .

But , this time , it's much more than a inauguration day , Afterall it gonna to bring many new powers , which are much more than today's queen.

It was coronation day in otilla, which held in every 500 years for the selection of its guardian , in simple words on this day their new queen is inaugurated .

When the first ray of sun fall on the golden lotus , which is situated in middle of blue lake, along with the power rays of seven fairies and guardian . It opens it petals , emitting light rays from it , and these light goes in the direction of their next guardian .

But , who have thought , if power isn't small , then how could be successor. On that day something different happened from everytime because the light ray goes outside the otilla .

This has confused all of them but , still Ema along with her seven fairies decided to chase that light ray , so that they were able to find their next heir .

Scarlet : The Fallen Queen Of OtillaWhere stories live. Discover now