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Christmas Eve

The days flew by, Eden still teaching the five friends about Death Eaters and the Dark Lord, and soon enough, it was Christmas Eve. Hermione had gone home for the holiday, while Draco and Lilith stayed. Draco said he didn't want to go home, while Lilith said she didn't want to be at the orphanage she grew up in. Hermione had given the four homework to work on; finding more information on the Philosopher's Stone.
And so far, nothing.

"Maybe we should go down the trap door and find out?" Lilith said, closing her book. The four were currently chilling out in their room. Harry was curled up on Draco's lap, the two reading on Draco's bed, Archer was in the window sill, petting Nagini, while Hydrath was chilling by the fire, and Lilith was hanging upside-down on her bed. "Not until Hermione gets back. You know how she would act if we went without her." Archer said, sighing and looking up at Lilith. "Fine." Lilith whined, and sat up, putting her book back on the shelf.

"Let's go get some food, I'm hungry." Draco sugested. "Me too." Harry said, sliding off of Draco's lap. Archer stood up and picked up Harry. "Let's go then." She said, and the four walked out. "Where are you four off to?" Eden asked. Archer looked at her mum, who was sitting on the couch in the makeshift common room. "Going to get some lunch." Harry replied. "Okay, have fun." Eden said, going back to her book. The four walked out into the halls, talking about what presents they might get. As the four reach the Great Hall, they hear fighting inside. Draco opens the doors and they all see Ron arguing with another Slytherin. 

Archer sets Harry down and storms in, making the two that were fighting stop. "What's going on?" Archer asks. "This mangy Lion just started a fight for no reason!" The Slytherin says, stepping aside. "Is that true?" Archer turns to look at Ron. "This Snake came over to me and started boasting that you and Harry were in Slytherin, not Gryffindor!" Ron said, paling. Archer knew he was lying. "Lies!" Archer said. Her eyes were now slits, and the Weasley boy paled even more. Archer smacked him, leaving a red mark on Ron's face.

"Leave. Now." Archer hissed, and Ron ran off, tail tucked between his legs. Archer took a deep breath, and her eyes reverted back to normal. She walked back to the Slytherin table and sat down. "Sorry about that, guys." She said. "No worries, mate. That weasle had it coming." Draco said. The group ate lunch, then walked back to their room. When they got to Eden's classroom, they heard Eden yelling at someone. Lilith opened the door and saw Dumbledore trying to calm Eden down. "Get the bloody hell out of my classroom!" Eden yelled. "Please, Eden, calm d—" Dumbledore got cut off. "I will not calm down! You are trying to tell me that those kids need to go back to those monsters!" She said. That sentence alone made Archer's anger flair up.

The two stopped fighting when they felt a strong magic crack through the air. The Headmaster paled and looked to the door, only to find the four friends, and a very angry Archer. "A-Archer, how lovely to see you—" Albus started. "You. Were. Trying. To. Do. WHAT?!" Archer yelled, cutting him off. Albus paled even more. This child. . . He had never seen magic this strong since. . . Then it hit him. The red eyes, the strong magic, and the anger issues. . . "It can't be. . ." The old man whispered. "Mind speaking up?" Archer said, walking up to the Headmaster. "You know what? I changed my mind. Eden, they can stay with you for the summer." And with that, Albus walked out. "That's what I thought." Eden said, crossing her arms.

Albus's POV:

I walk back to my office. That child. . . So that's why some Death Eaters are starting to come out of hiding. . . I shake my head of my thoughts. "It's impossible. . ." I mumble. "Tom is unable to love. . . So how does he have a child. . ." I ask myself. Then it hits me again. Harry has they same red eyes. . . "They're both not even a Potter. . ." I gasp. 

A/N: Again, sorry for the short chapter T>T
But still. *Insert 'She Knows' by J. Cole*

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