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"Please, sit down." Dumbledore instructed softly. The two sit down, Harry sitting on Archer's lap. "I called you in because two very dark things appeared on my desk. This locket," He held up an old locket with the Slytherin symbol on it. "And this ring." He set the locket down and picked up a ring with a black stone. "With these items, a note was also left, instructing that the locket was given to Harry, and the ring be given to Archer, as she already has a necklace." He said, handing the paper to Archer, and the twins read it.

But they also saw at the very bottom a second piece of writing.

To my children, Archer and Harry. Make sure that the old man never touches them again.

Archer furrowed her brow in confustion. It was written differenly from the rest of the note, and seemed to be in a different language. Archer set it down, and took the ring and locket. They seemed to vibrate in her hand from the tainted magic. She handed the locket to Harry, who put it on. His eyes seemed to get brighter just for a second, then returned to their normal ruby red colour. She put the ring on, and her red eyes seemed to do the same thing.

'You mussst leave at once, Sssnakelingsss. Now!' Nagini hissed, uncurling from Archer's neck. "Sorry, sir, but we need to go." Archer said, picking Harry up and walking out the door, then she set Harry back down and they sprinted down to the dungeons.

The two burst into the common room, gaining the attention of others. Draco stood up and rushed over, Lilith following. As soon as they got close, Draco stumbled slightly. "Woah. . . That is some very strong magic." He said, pulling himself up to an upright position. "And very dark." Lilith said, narrowing her eyes. "The old man gave us these, saying that someone left them there for us." Archer said, showing them the ring, and Harry showing them the locket. "Woah." Draco said, looking closer at the two pieces of jewlery. Harry yawned and rubbed his eyes. "Can we go to bed, Dragon?" He asked. "Sure come on." Draco said, holding out his hand. Harry took it and they walked up to their dorm.

"I totally ship them!" Lilith said, earning a laugh from Archer. "I'm also tired, so I'm going to bed." Archer said. Lilith nodded and Archer walked up to her dorm. She set Nagini down in the window sill and flopped down onto her bed. "Good night, Nagini. . ." Archer whispered, then fell alseep.

Archer's POV:

I open my eyes to see a room much like that of an office. A man with black hair sat at the desk, working on something. "Dada!" I hear a baby say. I look around and see a toddler crawling up to the man. The man looks down and smiles slightly. "Isn't it your nap time, Archer?" The man says. I freeze up. A woman walks in, and I gasp. It was Eden. "Sorry, hun. Archer is just refusing to lay down with Harry." Eden says. "It's alright." The man says, chuckling. The man picks up the little me, and stands up. I see his eyes; Ruby red, like mine and Harry's.

"No nap!" Little me says. The man laughs. "You're not even one yet and you're already talking!" He says in disbelief. Eden shakes her head, chuckling. "Come on, wee one. Harry's already laying down. You know he doesn't sleep without you." She says, taking little me into her arms. Little me and Eden walk out, and the man walks back to his desk. Then someone else enters the room. He looked like Draco, but much older. The man bows down. "My Lord, the raid was a success." He said to the red eyed man. I widen my eyes. Mine and Harry's father was the Dark Lord. "Thank you, Lucius. You may go." My father said. Lucius bowed again and left the room. Then I woke up.

No-one's POV:

Archer walked down into the common room where Draco, Harry and Lilith were. Archer sat down in her usual spot in front of the fire. "Penny for your thoughts?" Lilith asks like always. "I know who mine and Harry's father is." Archer says. The group goes quiet. "Who?" Harry whispers. "The Dark Lord." Archer said, looking up from the floor. The four go quiet again. "How do you know?" Draco asked, pulling Harry closer without noticing. "I had a dream. Eden is also our mother, I believe." Archer explains, looking into the fire.

Harry looks over to Archer. "That would explain why she told us to stay together and stay in the shadows. . ." He mumbled. "Well. . . On that note, let's go get some breakfast, I'm starving." Lilith said, standing up. "When are you never hungry?" Draco said, standing up and pulling Harry up with him. Lilith just glared at him, then walked out of the common room. Draco rolled his eyes, but walked out after her. "Do you really think that the man everyone warns us about is really our dad?" Harry asked, climbing onto Archer's back. "I don't know. . . But if he is, he wasn't always bad like everyone thinks he is. . ." Archer replied. The two go out of the commons to catch up to the other two.

When they finally caught up, Lilith and Draco were arguing about which Quidditch team was best. Archer rolled her eyes and kept walking, making the other two stop fighting to catch up to her. The four walked into the Great Hall, and a Ravenclaw came up to them. "Hello, I'm Hermione Granger!" She said. "I'm Archer, this is my brother Harry, that's Draco and Lilith." Archer said, smiling softly. Hermione smiled brightly. "Weren't you the girl from the train?" Archer asked. "Yep! Sorry for waking you up back then." She appologized. "No worries! It's in the past." Archer said. Hermionie smiled more, showing slighly large front teeth.

"Oi! Rabbits aren't supposed to be an inside animal!" Someone yelled, making the entire Gryffindor table burst out laughing. Archer looked around and saw the Weasley boy smirking. "Dray, hold Harry. I have a weasle to take care of." Archer said, handing Harry over to Draco. Archer walked over to the Weasley, scowling. "What's your name?" She asked, shocking the boy. "Ron. Ron Weasley." He said in a smug voice. "Finally decided to be friends?" He asked. "Hardly." Archer said. There was a loud crack that rang out through the Hall, and Ron gaped. "You just hit me!" He said.

"Yep, and I'll do it again if I need to." Archer hissed, her red eyes turning into slits. "If this is how you act if we're not friends, I have no reason to be your friend. If anything, stay out of my way, or you will become my enemy." Acher told him, venom lacing her words. She walked over to the Slytherin table and sat next to Lilith. Hermionie was sitting next to Harry and Draco, talking about the history of Hogwarts with them and comparing notes they took of the book, while Harry just listened.

"You good, mate?" Lilith asked weirily. "Yep." Archer said, calming down, her eyes going back to normal. The rest of the day flew by, as it was a weekend. Archer mentioned what she saw when Snape entered the room. "He's limping. The night with the troll, he had a giant cut on his leg." Archer whispered. "Maybe he tried to get past that three-headed dog." Draco whispered back. "Three-headed dog?" Hermione asked. "Yeah, it's on the forbiddon third floor. It's guarding something that's very powerful." Lilith answered. "Ah." Hermione said, going back to her food. "Whatever it is, we need to make sure Dumbles doesn't get it." Archer said, taking a bite from her toast.

"Agreed." Everyone else in the small group said.

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