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Archer walked into the Great Hall, Harry riding on her back. As soon as they sat down, Draco and Lilith rushed over to the twins and held out a newspaper. "Gringotts was broken into last night!" Draco said, placing the papers in front of the twins. Archer took it and held it up to were they both could read it.


Last night, someone broke into Gringotts vault 713, but in turn, nothing was taken, as the vault had been emptied that very same day.

"What? Why would they try to rob an empty vault?" Harry asked, slidding off Archer's back onto the seat next to her. "That's what the Aurors are trying to find out." Draco said, sitting next to Lilith across from the siblings. "What's that?" Archer asked. "An Auror is like a cop, but for the Wizarding World." Lilith said. Everyone looked at her. "What? I like to read!" She retorted, throwing her hands up. "It's a wonder you aren't in Ravenclaw, Miss Collins." A voice drawled out. The four looked up to see Professor Snape behind Draco, holding some papers.

"Hello, Professor." Draco said, nodding to the Potions teacher. "Your Timestables." Snape said, giving the papers to Draco. And with that, he left, his cloak billowing behind him. Draco looked over the papers before handing them out respectively. "Looks like we have all the same classes, exept for Archer and Harry; they have an extra class." Archer and Harry looked at their papers, and, sure enough, they had an extra class. "Who's Dumbledore?" Archer asked. That made the other two look at her as if she had two heads.

"'Who's Dumbledore'? He's the Headmaster!" Draco said, shock filling his voice. Archer mouthed a small 'oh' before going back to her Timestables.

"Now, step to the left side of your broom, hold out your left hand, and say 'Up'." Madame Hooch said firmly. The class complied, but when Archer and Harry held out their hands, their brooms few straight up into their hands before they could say 'up'. The whole class looked over to the twins, who were just looking at the brooms. "Mr. and Ms. Potter, what is going on back there?" Hooch said, walking over. "Their brooms flew into their hands before they could say 'up', Professor." A Gryffindor said. Hooch looked between the two red-eyed children, her golden, eagle-like eyes narrowing. "Very well. Let's continue." And with that, the class continued.

Draco, Archer and Harry walked through the courtyard when Lilith caught up to the trio. "I heard a student almost fell off their broom, but was saved by the teacher." She said, matching her stride with the other three. "Yeah, a Gryffindor. He did drop this, though." Draco said, then pulls out a little glass ball. "What is it, Dray?" Archer asked. "It's called a 'Rememberall'. Supposed to help you remember things. To bad the fat arse forgot to pick it up." Draco said, laughing. Harry looked over to his sister, who was scowling at Draco.

"Ha ha, very funny." Archer snapped, her ruby eyes slowly turning into a snake-like slit. 'Archer. Calm down. Now.' She heard Nagini hiss from her robe pocket. That shook her out of her angry state. "Did you just call me by my name, and not 'Snakeling', Nagini?" Archer asked, looking down into her pocket. 'Yesss. Only becaussse you were about to loossse yourssself.' The snake hissed. "Loose myself? What do you mean. . . ?" She said, stopping to take Nagini out of her pocket. The other three stopped to watch the conversation, but only Harry knew the full thing.

'When you were born, your father had a ssslight. . . Anger problem. In which when he lossst it, hisss eyesss would turn to a ssslit, like yoursss did.' Nagini hissed out. "Oh. . . Do you know why?" Archer asked. 'Yesss, but that isss for me to know, and for you to find out, Sssnakeling.' And with that, Nagini slithered back into Archer's pocket without another word. "What was that about, mate?" Lilith asked, shaking Archer out her trance. "Oh, forgot you guys were still here. . . Why are people looking at us?" It was then when everyone noticed they had seemed to draw a crowd because of Archer's conversation with her pet.

"Move along, people!" Draco said, shooing everyone away from the group. "Anyway, what was that about?" He asked, looking back over at Archer. "Oh, Nagini was just telling me to stay calm, and explained why. That's all. . ." Archer replied, looking away. "Anyway, come on, we're gonna be late for class." And with that, she walked away, leaving the other three to catch up.

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