Chapter 16

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Derek Shepherd

Meredith is now four months and we learned something yesterday, We're having twins. For some reason I feel guilty because when the twins come I'll be weak and sick while Meredith is stuck with two babies.

"Derek" Meredith says putting her hand on my shaking thigh.

"Hm?" I hum.

"Calm down, okay" she smiles.

"Meredith I feel bad" I frown.

"Derek" she says softly.

"It's just, you're pregnant with twins and I'm sick and I won't be able to help with them, I just feel bad" I say.

"Derek, we've talked about this" she says.

"I know we have I just have a horrible guilty feeling, because I'm sick and twins Meredith, two babies" I say.

"Hey, we can do it and last time I checked you're very financially stable" she giggles moving herself to straddle me.

"Hm, I am" I smirk.

"Guess what" she smiles.

"What?" I ask soothing her stomach with my hands.

"Next appointment, genders" she says happily.

"Hm, you know what I want" I smile looking at her bump that still has a while to go.

"What do you want?" She asks.

"Two little girls, so I'll have three girls to spoil" I grin.

"I think your family has already got that covered" she says.

"Of course they do" I roll my eyes.

"But...I guess you can help them" she grins wrapping her arms around my neck.

"Are you tired baby?" She asks.

"Just a little" I nod softly.

"Me too, I wanted to be horny but no I'm always tired" she giggles pushing her face into my neck.

"That's okay I'm always tired too" I say rubbing her back.

"They are going to see if we can actually try to do a Whipple on you" she whispers.

"Really?" I ask.

"Yes really" she says.

"Hm, I love you" I smile.

"I love you more" she says.

"No you don't" I say.

"Yes I do I speak for three so I do love you more" she says.

"Fine, I love you all" I say.

"Thanks, but I still win" she says.

"Yeah yeah" I nod.

"Wanna go to bed?" She asks.

"Yes I do, straight to bed" I say.

"Okay let me get off of you" she says getting off of me.

I get up holding Meredith's hand as we go to the bedroom. "You two better be girls for your sick old dad's sake" I say as we get into bed.

"Ever think about the genders I want?" Meredith asks.

"Nope" I say honestly.

"Ugh, well I want a boy and a girl" she says.

"That's cute, but I still want just girls and they'll listen to their beautiful and sick Dad" I say.

"So full of yourself" Meredith says as I rub her stomach.

"Yes" I say.

"Derek?" She asks softly.

"Yes love?" I ask.

"My boobs are sore" she sighs.

"Your boobs are wonderful, want me to massage for you?" I ask shaking my head softly. She does this every time we are about to fall asleep, for a nap, for actual bed doesn't matter I always end up massaging her breasts.

She smiles as I take both of her breasts in each hand. She still hates clothes before bed so she wears completely nothing for bed but hey, I don't complain.

"I love you so much" she grins.

"Because I give good boob massages?" I ask.

"Exactly why" she nods.

"Well I love the fact that I can give you them" I grin.

"Good, at least we both love my boobs getting this treatment" she giggles.

"That we do" I nod.

That we do


605 words

I was half asleep while writing this...sorry for mistakes I always miss type, just in case you couldn't already tell that in your own


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