Chapter 8

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Derek Shepherd

Jess is so fucking annoying I hate her. I thought I loved her I did we were going to get married she got pregnant. She decided to get an abortion without telling me. She pretended as if it was a miscarriage and acted as if she was sad. She hit me threw empty alcohol bottles at me. I broke off the engagement and told her to get some help see a therapist hell even get admitted into psych then left her. I should've known better than to let Mark set me up with someone never again is he going to set me up. The bitch killed my baby. My baby she killed never even caring what I thought. I loved the baby the second she told me she was pregnant but she decided to have an abortion without telling me and that broke me at the time.

Eight years later I'm healed I have been healed and she shows up at the hospital I'm not sad I'm not coping or anything it just annoys me so much. Plus I have my eyes on Meredith who is way better than Jess atleast I hope when I'm with Meredith the world stops shes the only one in the room her and I when shes around my heart feels like it's about to fall out of my chest.

"You sure you're okay" My sister asks for the third time.

"Ameila eight years ago I'm fine" I groan.

"Just making sure" she says.

"I'm fine now you have to leave Meredith is due to arrive any minute now and she is going to ask the same questions" I say.

"Meredith?" She questions raising an eyebrow.

"Dr. Grey" I roll my eyes.

"I know that just, first basis?" She smirks.

"Get out Ameila" I chuckle.

"Call me if you need anything" she laughs and leaves the room.

I sigh running my hands through my hair as the door opens and Meredith peeks her head in.

"Mr. Shepherd are you busy?" She smiles.

"No Dr. Grey come on in" I chuckle softly.

She walks in and sits on the edge of the bed. "Are you okay?" She asks softly.

"I'm fine Meredith" I smile.

"You sure?" She asks moving her hand up and down my leg.

"Positive" I say patting the spot next to me so she will lay down.

"So surgery again" she sighs as she hides her face in the crook of my neck.

"Yes" I sigh.

"I really do like you" she says softly looking up at me.

"Hm I really like you too" I smile.

"Yeah?" She smiles her face inches from mine.

"Yeah" I say moving my face closer to hers to the point where we're almost kissing.

"Hm" she hums.

My eyes flicker between hers and her lips before my hand cups her cheek and my lips meet hers. I felt some sort of spark something that I've never felt before. I nipped at her lip before biting down on it making her moan into my mouth. I groaned at the noise as I slipped my tongue into her mouth.

We pulled away to catch our breath as she put her forehead against mine. "You're a good kisser" she giggled.

"Oh yeah" I smirked running my hands up and down her sides.

"Hospital Derek you're in the hospital" she says grabbing my hands off of her her.

"Don't you like it?" I pout.

"I love it just, hospital" she says

"Fine" I groan.

Her pager goes off making her groan as she checks it. "I have to take this put I'll be back" she says.

"Okay" I say stopping her for a second as I give her a quick kiss just quick and simple as if we could do it for the rest of our lives.

She ran out of the room leaving me alone with my thoughts once again.
Meredith Grey is something else.

"Knock knock" I hear someone say before the door opens to reveal Mark.

"Damn, it's you" I groan.

"The one and only" he smirks sitting in the chair next to my bed.

"What do you want?" I ask.

"Nothing just came here to see you my dear bestfriend" he says.

"Uh huh" I nod looking at him up and down.

"Can't you just give up the intern on your case I wanted her" he blurts.

"Ah that's what you wanted" I smirk.

"Yes Derek yes" he rolls his eyes.

"Hmm well, no" I smile.

"Why not" he groans.

"Because I like her so.." I trail off.

"Ass" he says.

"What do you mean, okay I'm the ass because I'm not handing you a woman like an object?" I ask.

"Hmm yeah" he nods.

"Get out" I roll my eyes.

"Think about it" he says and leaves the room.

I chuckle to myself and get lost thinking about Meredith Grey.


My friend made this picture:

And my other friend sent this:

Then she deleted it😂😭

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