Chapter 3

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Warning: lots of Russian and there is swearing but it all be in Russian lol

Ginny walked into the training room. She was still slightly dripping from the water that had gotten dumped on her, but it wasn't too bad.

Adalia was already in the training room, by the shooting range. She watched as Ginny headed over, with her arms crossed.

"Ginny, you're getting water everywhere. Good gosh, go change your clothes." Adalia said as she rolled her eyes.

Ginny walked over to the array of guns. She grabbed one of the pistols, making sure it was loaded. Then she flipped it, looking at Adalia, and immediately shooting at the target when she caught the gun again. She hit dead center.

"Actually, I'm pretty dry thanks to that running workout you gave me." Ginny smirked. "Thanks."

"Whatever." Adalia grumbled.

Ginny smirked more. She walked closer to the shooting range to continue shooting.

Adalia joined her, grabbing a bigger gun.

"Now anyways..." Ginny started, laughing a little. She shot at the target three in a row, all hitting the middle."Rivalry aside. How are you?"

Adalia put the gun down and grabs an M16 instead. She walked over to a different shooting range, a little ways over than the one Ginny stood at, as she spoke. "I'm eh. You?" She grabbed the protective ear things.

"Oh I'm feeling good." Ginny shot a couple more times before she put the pistol down, going over to grab a sniper gun. She was really good with a sniper, thanks to a certain Russian soldier. He had taught her when he found her struggling to aim properly, so now she was a pro. She was still better with a pistol though.

"How's Buck doing?" Ginny asked curiously. "If you've seen him today, that is. Haven't seen him since we got back from the jog this morning."

"Mhm." Adalia rolled her eyes, obviously knowing what's going on. "I know you like him."

"What do you mean?" Ginny held a poker face, not showing any emotion as she walked over to the other shooting range that Adalia was at with her sniper.

Adalia loaded her gun, then positions it in her arms, aiming at her target. "Сука, don't lie to me."


"Who said anything about lying, бабушка?" Ginny scoffed, also loading and aiming her gun.


"О, пожалуйста. Я знаю, что он тебе нравится. и ты только что спросил о нем, так что да." Adalia shot her gun and hit the target, making a big booming sound.

О, пожалуйста. Я знаю, что он тебе нравится. и ты только что спросил о нем, так что да-Oh please. I know that you like him. and you just asked about him, so yeah

"О, просто заткнись. конечно, может быть что-то и есть, но я сомневаюсь, что он чувствует то же самое, так что брось это." Ginny looked through her scope, aiming, and fired five times in a row. All had hit the center of the target.

О, просто заткнись. конечно, может быть что-то и есть, но я сомневаюсь, что он чувствует то же самое, так что брось это-Oh, just shut up. of course there might be something but i doubt he feels the same so drop it

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