Chapter 2

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After twenty minutes, Ginny finished her shower. She grabbed a random t-shirt and a pair of shorts and changed quickly.

She left her room after she quickly brushed her hair and headed up to her brother's lab.

Ginny had just finished putting her hair up in a messy bun when she walked into the lab.

Adalia was sitting in a random chair, watching Tony mess around with whatever he was working on. She span in the chair a bit and then noticed Ginny walk in.

The lab was pretty clean. Except the tables and the blueprints screens and all that. It was a complete mess, which kind of bothered Ginny since she was a bit of a neat freak.

"Hey." Adalia greeted as she grabbed something from the table beside her and started fiddling with it.

"Put that down." Tony told her, not looking up from his work.

Adalia just rolled her eyes but put it back anyways.

"Hey." Ginny replied. She walked over to the table that Adalia was at and grabbed the thing Adalia was fiddling with before. Ginny grabbed another piece, trying to place them together.

Tony didn't say anything and Adalia stared between the two in slight shock and offence.

"Heyyy, not fair!" Adalia complained. "This is favoritism!"

"No. It's me knowing what I'm actually doing, while you were just fiddling." Ginny stated as she brings the now combined pieces to Tony.

Adalia slouched and crossed her arms, pouting.

"Oh, thanks." Tony grabbed the pieces from Ginny and connected it to something else.

"No problem."

Ginny walked around the lab and looked at some of the blueprints on a screen for some of Tony's things. She started to fix up a few things that she noticed.

Tony finally looked up from his work and looked at Adalia.

"Also, it's not favoritism." He started. "She just knows what she's doing."

Adalia narrowed her eyes.

Ginny heard what Tony said and looked back at Adalia with a smirk.

"See? Told ya." Ginny laughed.

"Still favoritism." Adalia rolled her eyes.

Ginny stuck out her tongue at Adalia before turning back to the blueprints.

"Wowww." Adalia said as she got up. "I'm so offended."

Then she left the lab.

"I guess that's my payback! For now!" Ginny yelled after Adalia.

"SHUT THE F UP!" Adalia yelled back.

"IF IT PISSES YOU OFF THEN NO!" Ginny then looked at Tony with a smile. "It's fun pissing her off."

Tony looked up from his work and smiled back. "It sure is. The reaction is the best part."

"Oh my god, it is."

Ginny's phone buzzed and she took it out of her pocket. She got a text from Adalia.

Adalia: this isn't over

Ginny: oh I know😉

Ginny then laughed.

"This is gonna be fun."

                        *      *       *

Adalia had a mischievous grin on her face as she walked into the living room. She had just come up with an amazing idea to get back at the younger Stark.

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