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Jisung POV

Me and Lee Know spent the rest of the day together. I wanted him to get his mind off everything that happened that morning. I know he's scared regardless if he wants to admit it or not.

We went to the fair and even hung out like we usually did. It was like nothing had ever happened. We rode the rides, ate cakes, and had moments that we only shared.

It was truly amazing.

When I got home I had a long talk with my dad. I told him that he needed to not make a big deal out of something that never happened. Lee Know may be poor but he's not stupid, let alone a thief.

My dad came to his senses and calmed down a little. He dropped the topic and seemed to be going back to normal. It took a lot of convincing for him to believe me. The cops really couldn't do much without any evidence so there was no need to further the investigation.



The fun weekend I had always ended in the same way during the school year. Have the most fun and then sit in the same boring class with teachers.

All I could do was reminisce.

It was so much fun until I was woken up by my alarm. I did the same routine.

Wake up ✔️
Take a shower ✔️
Put on my clothes ✔️
Eat breakfast ✔️
Wait for Hyunjin ❌

Hyunjin didn't show up and failed to let me know. I quickly grabbed the keys to the car and rushed Jeongin out of the house. Good thing it wasn't a push to start because we would have been here all day.

I texted Changbin on the way so I could pick him up as well. Hyunjin was spending the night at his house but when Changbin woke up, he was gone.

Turns out Hyunjin went completely MIA and didn't talk to anyone about what was going on.

Once we made it to school, to no one's surprise, Felix was waiting for us. We got out of the car and watched as he walked up to us.

"Could I speak with Jisung for a moment?" He asked while smiling at the others.

"I don't think that's a good idea." Changbin budded in.

"I won't say anything bad." He said smiling at Changbin and then at me.

I motioned for Changbin to leave knowing that even if something bad happened he would have my back. God knows that I can't defend myself for shit.

"What is it this time?"

"Woah, no need to get your panties in a bunch so quick." He started while laughing, "I just wanted to ask how you and Lee Know are doing?"

"Fine is that all?" I said shifting my backpack to the other shoulder.

"In a rush?"

"To get away from you? Yes."

"I just wanted you to know that a lot is about to change." He said.

I rolled my eyes and started walking off.

"I saw you guys at the fair yesterday, did you have fun?" He said causing me to turn around and face him.

"Felix, what do you want from me!?" I said walking back to him, "You've been on my dick ever since we came back to school."

"I just want to show you that Lee Know isn't good for you in a more calming and kind approach."

"Okay, and you are?"

"Listen, I just want you to understand that you're dealing with a bad person. He's going to break your heart." He said tucking a piece of my hair behind my ear.

"What is this about?" I asked.

"Nothing bad can happen to your little boyfriend when you're around. So I'm just buying Hyunjin some time." He hinted while putting a sinister smile on his face.

Lee Know POV

Jisung texted me about talking to his dad. I was relieved. I thought I would never make it out of this situation. Good thing I have a loving Jisung to stick by my side no matter what.

When I finally snapped out of it, I made it to my destination. It was this old apartment complex that could fall apart in seconds.

I knocked on the door and when it opened, there was a strong smell of weed that smacked me in the face.

"How do you have this much money but still live in this shitty-ass apartment?" I coughed while walking in.

"If I lived in a mansion like the rich pricks everyone would try to steal from me." He said shutting the door, "No one wants to steal from poor people. Unless you've hit rock bottom."

"Well, I guess I'm at the top," I say proudly.

"No kid, you're a leech."

This took me back but it didn't mean he was wrong.

"I have the watch." I said pulling it out of my bag, "I need to hurry and get home before my mom gets worried."

I handed him the watch and he gave me the money. He smelled the watch and weighted it like it was a drug.

"You are one of my most trustworthy customers." He said through laughs, "You never disappoint."

I nodded and said goodbye.


I had the best dreams last night. Filled with fun and pleasure. I missed Jisung and was happy with the money I made the night before. And now that I was in the clear I have nothing to worry about.

I woke up with a smile on my face. I rushed out of my room to catch my mom before she left for work. I gave her the money and kissed her cheek before leaving.

I walked to school rather quickly just to see the man that made most of my days meaningful.

Sadly he wasn't there when I got there so I waited in the library. It was weird how long they were taking to get here.

I made my way back to the school parking lot before being stopped. Someone had called my name and when I turned around I was hit in the face with a wad of cash.

It all scattered to the floor. Some people stopped and stared, others started getting on their knees and getting the money.

I looked back and saw Hyunjin. He looked furious to the point where his breathing was almost non-existent.

"What are you-" I started before he lifted his arm and punched me in the face. "WHAT THE HELL?!" I groaned.

"If you needed some fucking money you should have asked."

Before I could do anything he got on top of me and started punching me repeatedly. At first, I was handling it but the more blows he laid, the more my vision blurred.

At one point he got off me and ripped my bag open. I knew it was a dumb idea to bring the money with me. I meant to stop by the ATM to put it in there but I was so eager to get to school.

Everyone gasped at the sight as I tried to bring myself to my feet. When I was up I felt my head spinning and knew there was going to be a lot to clean up.

"Wow, he wasn't lying?" He said between laughs, "You did do it, huh?"

I struggled to keep my balance while listening to him. That's when Changbin and Jeongin showed up. They looked at me and then Hyunjin.

"My dad's fucking watch." He said before punching me to the ground again. He got back on top of me and started letting his anger out again. I managed to lay some blows on him as well this time.

After a moment, security finally showed up and separated us. They took Hyunjin, who was fighting them as well, down the hall.

I was on the ground while holding my jaw in place and panting. I stood up and looked around. The big-cheeked boy was the only person that caught my eye.

I followed his gaze that lead to my bag. He was frozen in time before turning around and leaving. I knew the necklace that was inside was his mother's and I knew he would recognize it.

"Jisung!" I screamed after him before security grabbed my shoulder and lead me down the hall.

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