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Lee Know POV

I was woken up by loud banging at my door. I got out of bed and went straight to the door and opened it. No socks, pajama pants, no shirt, messy hair, and a raspy voice is what I greeted them with.

"Hello sir, is this the resident of the Lee Minho?" The officer asked.

"Yes, may I ask why you're here?" I said rubbing my eyes.

"We have a suspicion of a theft that may have occurred." He said, causing my eyes to grow wide.

"Who made this call?"

"I did." A man said from behind the officer, "Hello, I'm a part of the Han family. You may also know me as Jisungs dad."

All I could think about was Jisung at that very moment. What the hell was happening? What the hell was going to happen to me? Why would he think that?

"I know it was you. Only a poor child would steal from the rich. Ever since you started coming around my son has gone A-Wall."

Before I could respond, my mom came from behind me.

"Lee Know go to your room." She said taking my place in front of the officer.

I stayed in my room trying to listen to the conversation. I couldn't hear well because some dumbasses car was going off with their loud horn. Before they finished, I heard another knock. This time it came from my window.

I walked over to it slowly, the suspense rising inside of me. No one ever came to this house unless, for theft, I guess. The knocking continued as I pulled the curtain back to see a big-cheeked boy.

"Jisung?" I whispered while opening the window, "What are you doing here?"

He climbed into my room and fell to the floor while laughing at himself. It wasn't like he was jumping over a hurdle in track but he made it look so hard.

"Jisung what are you doing here?"

"I wanted to make sure you were okay." He said dusting the dirt off his hands, "Is that a crime?"

"You could have texted me."

"Yeah but if you were in jail that wouldn't have worked."

Did he think I was going to jail? It was sweet of him to come all the way here and jump through my window to make sure.

Before we could exchange more words, I heard yet another knock on my door. I went to open the door and saw my mom's concerned face.

"Yes, mom?" I said hesitantly.

She peeked through my door and saw Jisung standing behind me. She furrowed her eyes and opened the door wider to get a clear view.

"Who is this?" She questioned.

"Oh, hello miss Lee. I'm Ha-"

"Hwang Hyunjin!" I blurted over him.

They exchange their hellos as Jisung played along with the role of Hyunjin. It would be dumb to have the son of the man that's accusing me of theft inside my room.

"Don't you have to go to work soon?" I asked cutting the conversation short.

She nodded and went back to her room.

We stayed in my room until she left. It was a stupid idea to lie to her, but at that moment it was the right thing to do.

"What the hell was that?" Jisung asked me.

"Your dad just came here with the police." The news didn't seem to phase him, "You knew!?"

"I may have heard it through the grapevine." He replied.

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