Tecna: Tecna, Fairy of Tecnology!

Flora: Flora, Fairy of Nature!

Aisha: Aisha, Fairy of Waves!

The fairies went after the Kolossus as fast as they could

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The fairies went after the Kolossus as fast as they could. The monster was now in the city. People were running in fear. France's Airforce came in, and shooted at the monster, but it did nothing, The Kolossus lifted his left arm, and destroyed the airforce plan. It crashe against one building.

At Kadic, the students watched, as the monster was in the middle of the city, and it was spready harvock. Delmas got a phone call, alarmig him of the monster.

Mister Delmas: I got it. I will take everyone out of Kadic, and to a safe place.

The Kolossus looked through the buildings it saw Kadic Academy. The Sstudents were all paniking. Naomi was in the woods. The Winx came to her.

Naomi: Winx! Please, there's thing thing outside that-

Tena: We know, Naomi! We were trying to stop it, but it's to powerfull!

Musa: We have a hint where we can hit it. But it won't be easy.

Roxy: Be sure to stay hidden. And remember, you believing us, makes us stronger!

Naomi noaded. She went to find her friends to see her friends, who believed in the Winx as well. The Winx reached the Kolossus. The monster kept walking. 


The Kolossus was hit, but it was unefective. It attacked with its sword again, but the Winx protected themselvs, and avoied being throwen away by another shockwave.

On Lyoko, William, Bloom and Odd reached the Tower. Aelita looked as her foes came in, ready to fight again.

Aelita: So they're back for more?(points her sword) Attack!

The Tarantulas switched to attack mode, activating their shields. William brought out his sword. He reflected one laser at one of the Tarantulas, destroying its shield.

William: Ready to jump?

Bloom: Yeah!

Bloom and William jumped from the Overbike, that crashed against the Tarantula, destroying it. Aelita looked surprised.

Aelita: Huh? Oh! So they figured it out, huh?

Odd brought out his arrows, and shooted at Aelita, who dodged the shots. Aelita shooted an Energy Field at Odd, but Odd jumped. The Overboard went to Aelita, but she avoided it, and it crashed against the tower.


Aelita: SUPERSMOKE!!!(dodges the arrows)

William: SUPERSMOKE!!!(crashes with Aelita)


Aelita: Huh?

Bloom released an attack at Aelita, who was basicly in perfect rang. There was some smoke, but when it left, Aelita wasn't there anymore.

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