11. Back to Reality

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By the last day of Spring Break, Eddie had become a pretty regular guest in the Wheeler household. Each day was spent either with Eddie visiting my house or us talking on the phone. We had gotten to know each other fairly well over the course of the past week. Although we had been spending a lot of time together, we hadn't moved our relationship past the friendship level. 

Eddie and I were definitely flirtatious with one another. We had hugged and held hands, but we hadn't kissed yet. There were a few times where I thought it might happen, but it almost seemed like something was holding Eddie back. I'm just not sure what. I hadn't told Eddie that I was wanting more because I didn't want to ruin the relationship that we had built together. Aside from Robin, Eddie was really the first friend I had made in years. I didn't want to lose that. 

Mike arrived home on Sunday afternoon after his visit to California. He stopped into my room to say hi to me and was surprised when he saw Eddie with me. Everyone else had gotten used to Eddie being around at this point that I had forgotten Mike was unaware of how much time we had been spending together. "Are...are you two dating?" Mike asked with both confusion and excitement when he saw us. 

I glanced over at Eddie and when his eyes met mine I quickly moved them to the floor, but I felt his eyes linger on me for a bit longer. There was hesitation in Eddie's response. "Nah, man, we're just hanging out."

Mike replied, "Oh, okay", and I thought heard a bit of disappointment in his voice.

I wanted to get rid of the awkwardness of the moment so I decided to ask Mike about his trip. "So how was California?"

I was expecting an immediate smile when he answered my question, but his face remained the same. "It was good." He stated simply.

"That's it?" I questioned. Trying to get more details out of him.

"Yep." He replied dryly.

I gave him a concerned look, but didn't want to pry for information while Eddie was around. "Alright, well I'm glad you're back."

Mike then gave me a small smile. "Me too." He said before heading to his room.

Eddie turned to me. "That was weird, right?" He asked me.

I agreed. "Yes, I wonder if something happened in California. He doesn't really seem in a talkative mood though."

"Maybe I can try to find out tomorrow." Eddie replied.

Tomorrow. I had almost forgotten that Spring Break was just about over and tomorrow I would have to return to school. I was going to lose my days spent with Eddie and the freedom to do whatever we wanted. Plus, Eddie hadn't stopped reminding me that I should put myself out there more and try to be less invisible at school. With thoughts of not seeing Eddie as much and having to go out of my comfort zone at school, I wasn't in the highest of spirits. 

Eddie must have sensed that I wasn't in the greatest mood. "Hey, everything alright?" He asked as he placed a gentle hand on my back. 

"Just not looking forward to having to go back to the real world is all." I replied.

Eddie pulled me into a hug. "Hey, it'll be alright. And I'll be there if you need me." 

We remained in the embrace for quite a while until we both realized we had been there too long. I pulled away and looked into his eyes. "Thanks Eddie." I said sincerely. 

I wanted to say so much more to him. I wanted to ask him why he hesitated so much when he told Mike we weren't dating. Did he want us to be something more? How come he hadn't kissed me yet? What was holding him back? I wanted to know how he planned to be there for me at school when we were in completely different social circles. I don't think the Hellfire guys would be too happy about me at their table and I would get too much unwanted attention if Eddie "The Freak" Munson started hanging out with me all the time at school. 

The whole idea of me being more involved at school and Eddie helping me along the way sounded great in theory, but I had my doubts for how it would work in practice. I didn't express these to Eddie though, I just smiled and acted as if everything would be fine. He was so kind and I didn't want to burden him with more of my worries.

After I thanked Eddie, it seemed as if he wanted to say something. But before he had the opportunity, my mom appeared in the doorway. "Are you staying for dinner tonight, Eddie?" She asked politely.

Eddie smiled at my mom. "Thanks for the offer Mrs. Wheeler, but I really should get back home soon."

"Alright, but know that you're always welcome to stay." My mom said before she went back downstairs.

After my mom left, I turned to Eddie. "How come you've never invited me over to your house?"

Eddie seemed embarrassed that I asked. "I don't think you'd really like it at my place." He admitted.

"How come?" I questioned.

"Well I live in a trailer park. It's not the most welcoming place. You're not missing anything." Eddie explained. 

I sighed and took his hand in mine. "I don't care where you live. I like you Eddie, and the fact that you don't live in a house like mine isn't going to change that." He tried not to show it, but I could tell that Eddie felt a bit relieved after hearing what I said. "Plus, we've spent so much time in my room, it's only fair that you show me yours." I teased.

"Alright, you win. Next time we hang out you can come to my place." He conceded with a smile.

We chatted a bit more before he had to leave

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We chatted a bit more before he had to leave. As soon as he left, I missed him. The past week had been amazing and tomorrow I had to face reality again. I wasn't looking forward to it.

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