4. Siblings

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"Holy shit, Y/N! He is totally into you." Robin said after I recounted yesterday's events from the library. 

I sighed and took another bite of my school lunch. "I don't know. What if he just talks to everyone that way?" 

Robin smacked me lightly on the arm. "If he talked to everyone that way, they wouldn't call him a freak. I'm telling you, he's interested." 

After hearing Robin's words, I tried not to get my hopes up. I looked over to Eddie's lunch table and saw him talking intently with Mike. In that moment, I had never been more jealous of my brother. Apparently I was staring because I heard Robin say to me, "Earth to Y/N!"

I brought my attention back to my lunch. I cleared my throat, "Sorry" I said quietly. We finished our lunches and I tried to keep the glances over to Eddie's table to a minimum. 


At the end of the school day, I stopped at my locker, and then made my way out to the car. Nancy was already there waiting by the time I got there, but Mike hadn't arrived yet. "Mike's late as usual". Nancy said to me. I laughed because it was true, he was the least punctual out of the three of us. 

When we finally saw Mike walking our way, he got into the car. Mike climbed into the backseat and before we were even on the road, he was getting on my nerves. "Have a good time at the library yesterday?" He asked with a knowing tone.

I guess I found out what they were talking about at lunch. "Yeah, I did." I replied back to him with annoyance in my voice.

Nancy looked between the two of us. "What's going on? What happened at the library yesterday?"

Mike spoke up before I could. "Y/N and Eddie hung out at the library and then he gave her a ride home." 

"Eddie Munson?" Nancy questioned. I didn't say anything. I was pissed. It wasn't Mike's info to share.

Nancy took my silence as confirmation. "I hope you and him aren't getting involved. From what I've heard about him, he isn't exactly an upstanding citizen." Again, I remained silent. It wasn't any of her business who I decided to get involved with. And it's not like anything happened between Eddie and I.

"Nancy you don't even know Eddie, he's actually a good guy. I don't think it would be the worst thing if Y/N and him dated. It might even be good for her." Mike added in defense of Eddie.

I was starting to get upset that the two of them seemed to have so many opinions about who I could and should date. "Just stop, both of you!" I shouted at them. Both Mike and Nancy looked as if I had stolen their tongue. I had never spoken up to them like this before. "For the record, there is nothing going on between Eddie and I, and even if there was, it would be none of your business."

Both of them quietly apologized and we sat in silence for the remainder of the drive home

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Both of them quietly apologized and we sat in silence for the remainder of the drive home. Nancy had barely put the car in park in the driveway when I opened the door and stormed up to my bedroom. I locked the door behind me, threw my backpack on the floor, and collapsed into bed. 

I don't know why I was so upset. Nancy was just being a good big sister and looking out for me and Mike was actually coming to my defense. They just went about it in such an annoying way. As the sibling that is always quiet and supportive, I don't think they've ever really seen me as someone who can make their own decisions. This really frustrated me because it's not like I'm a little kid anymore. I'm going to be turning eighteen soon enough and eventually I am going to be out in the world making my own decisions. If I choose to date Eddie then they're just going to have to accept it.

As I was sorting through all of my thoughts, there was a small knock on the door. I debated unlocking it, but did bring myself to open the door. It was Nancy. I motioned her over to sit on my bed with me. We sat in silence for a while before she finally spoke up. "I'm sorry. You're totally right that it is none of my business who you date, but I'll always look out for you because you're my sister and I love you."

I was glad that Nancy had apologized. "Thanks Nancy, I love you too." 

Getting the serious stuff out of the way, Nancy then added with a little laugh, "Eddie is hot, so I wouldn't blame you if you did like him."

I rolled my eyes, but gave her smile. "Shut up" I said to her teasingly.

Mike then appeared in the doorway clearly having heard mine and Nancy's whole interaction

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Mike then appeared in the doorway clearly having heard mine and Nancy's whole interaction. "So... When you and Eddie start dating, can you convince him to let me be the dungeon master for our next campaign?" Mike said with a grin.

I threw my pillow at Mike, but he dodged it. "What makes you so convinced that we're going to start dating?" I asked.

"Well he wouldn't shut up about you at lunch. It was the most awkward lunch hour I've ever had to endure." 

I couldn't believe it. I couldn't be real. Eddie was talking about me? Trying not to be too obvious about my feelings for Eddie, I needed more details from Mike. "What was he saying?"

Mike smiled, he knew that I liked Eddie. "He just talked about what happened at the library, but you would have thought it was a life changing experience based on how he described it."

My face got warm from embarrassment. There's no way that Eddie didn't feel the same way about me that I felt about him. I looked at Mike. "You really think he might be good for me?" Referencing what he had said earlier in the car.

Mike gave me a sweet smile. "Yeah, and you would be just as good for him."

"Thanks, Mike." I said returning the smile.

Turns out my siblings aren't too bad after all. 

The Other Wheeler || Eddie Munson x Y/NDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora