5. Previews

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It was a quiet evening in the Wheeler household on Saturday. My mom had gone out with some friends, so had Nancy, and Mike was over at Dustin's house. This meant that at 6 o'clock, my dad, Holly, and myself were hanging out in the living room. The phone rang and I got up to answer it because I knew my dad wouldn't. "Wheeler household, Y/N speaking."

"Hey, uh, it's Eddie." Came through the other side of the phone.

I got a little excited, but knew that he must have been calling for Mike. "Sorry, Mike's not here."

"Oh, um, I wasn't calling for Mike. I was actually hoping to catch you." Eddie explained.

Why would Eddie be calling me?!  "Okay...How can I help?" I asked.

Eddie let out a nervous laugh. "Would you want to go to a movie with me tonight at The Hawk?" I wasn't able to respond before he added more detail. "I was planning on going with Gareth, but he canceled and no one else seems to be available."

"So I'm a last resort?" I teased.

Eddie replied with both embarrassment and panic. "No, of course not. I'm sorry I bothered you, I'll let you go."

"Wait...What movie?"


"Hey Dad, I'm gonna go see a movie with Robin." I don't know why I felt the need to lie. It's not like I was going on a date with Eddie, we were just friends as far as I was aware, acquaintances really.

"Hmm? Alright, have fun." My dad replied absentmindedly. 

When I saw the headlights from Eddie's van pull into the driveway, I made my way outside. Eddie had gotten out of the van. "Hey, other Wheeler." He greeted. Walking over to the passenger side, he opened the door for me to get in before getting back into the driver seat. "Thanks for joining me on such short notice." He added as he placed his hand on the back of my seat, turning his head to back up into the road. 

"Thanks for thinking of me." I replied. Eddie gave me a smile. 

The drive from my house to the theater wasn't very long. Eddie was parking in front of the marquee before I knew it. We walked up to the ticket booth. "Two tickets to House please." Eddie said while grabbing his wallet. I was going to offer to pay for my ticket, but Eddie was faster than me. 

I turned to look at the movie poster and contemplated why I had agreed to see it. Horror was not a genre that I enjoyed as it gave me nightmares too easily. But I was more focused on the fact that Eddie Munson wanted to see a movie with me than I was on the movie itself. 

Eddie came over and saw me staring at the poster

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Eddie came over and saw me staring at the poster. He gave me a slight nudge and handed me my ticket. He must have sensed that I was a little uneasy. "You okay?" He inquired.

I forced a smile. "I'll be fine." 

The two of us walked through the doors into the building. "Popcorn?" Eddie asked me as we passed the concession stand.

"Sure." I replied with a smile. Eddie bought us a large tub of popcorn as well as drinks. And although I did offer to pay this time, he declined my offer insisting that he pay for everything. We then made our way into the theater and took our seats. 

The lights began to dim signaling that the movie would be starting soon. Eddie sat up. "I'm going to run to the bathroom quick before the movie starts."

"But you'll miss the previews!" I warned.

"So?" Eddie countered.

"Sooo, watching the previews is one of the best parts of going to the theater." I insisted.

Eddie stood up and looked down at me with a grin on his face. "You're a weird one, Wheeler. I'll be right back."

Eddie returned from the bathroom just as the movie was starting. "You missed the previews." I whispered.

He leaned towards me and whispered back. "I'll catch them next time, I promise." The warmth of his breath gave me chills. Next time. Eddie was planning on there being a next time. The thought of that was enough to keep me calm through the scary movie I was about to endure. 


When the theater lights came back on after the movie, Eddie just looked at me and laughed. "Not a fan of horror movies, huh?" He asked definitely referring to my gasps, jumps, and eye covering throughout the entirety of the film. 

I laughed nervously. "Yeah, they're not exactly my cup of tea."

We stood up and started to head out. "So why did you agree to come see the movie if you knew it was going to be scary?"

Shit. I definitely can't tell him the truth as to why I agreed to see the movie with him. "It's been a while since I've been to the theater and I wanted to see the new previews." I joked. 

Eddie laughed, but I could tell that he knew I was hiding the real reason. "Well I'm glad I could help." He replied lightheartedly. 

When we arrived at his van, he opened the door for me to get in and waited until I was buckled to close it. He was proving to be one of the most chivalrous men I've ever met. He climbed into the driver seat, started the van, and pulled into the road.

 On the drive back to my house, Eddie wouldn't stop talking about the movie. He analyzed it and criticized it as if he was an expert in film. "So you're telling me that you could write a better movie?" I questioned.

"Oh hell yeah. Writing campaigns for D&D can't be too different from writing a script or plot for a movie and I'm pretty damn good at writing campaigns." Eddie seemed so proud and sure of himself. 

We pulled up in front of my house. "Well when you become famous someday, don't forget about us in Hawkins, okay?" I said to Eddie while unbuckling.

Eddie looked right at me. "Wouldn't dream of it." I just about melted out of my seat. "I had a really nice time tonight." Eddie added with a sincere tone.

"Me too." I said looking at him with a shy smile.

"Let me know if you ever want to go see some previews again, okay?" Eddie said with a light laugh, but a tone of seriousness at the same time.

"Will do." I said as I got out of the car.

"See you later, other Wheeler." 

"See you later, Eddie."

The Other Wheeler || Eddie Munson x Y/NWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu