Jungkook just looked down because he thinks his heart will pound if he made eye contact with Abby. She sigh.

A: why are you looking down? Can't you talk while looking up.
Jk: im sorry.

He bow and push pass her she scoffed and looked at him who found his seat and sat down she sigh and walked out of the class jungkook just sigh and took off his glasses and wipe it and then as he wiped it someone bump on his arm and then his leg of the glasses broke he gasp and growl in stress and looked around half blind he was struggling and then taehyung came in and looked at him.

T; hey you okay?
Jm: im blind now I can't see shit.
T: where's your glasses?
Jk: it broke completely now. Now I can't see a thing.
T: oh.
Jk: you mind if I borrow your notes so I can write it down? I'll give it to you tomorrow.
T: sure.

Class started and then taehyung give jungkook his notes and jungkook walked away.

T: hopefully he doesn't bump into things or people.

Taehyung say while he sees jungkook struggling to walk. As jungkook walk he bump into Abby again.

A: yah are you that blind?
Jk: I'm-im sorry..

He bow and Abby saw that he didn't have his glasses on she scoffed.

A: so your glasses broke?
Jk: y-yeah...

Abby chuckled and then pull out her glasses and put it on him jungkook blinked and he could see again.

A: hopefully me and yours eye sight are the same so can you see?
Jk: yeah.
A: here.

Abby Hands him her money from yesterday.

Jk: I-I can't take that.
A: just take it! I know your not gotta buy a new one anytime sooner.
Jk: um-uh

She growl and roll her eyes then put the cash in his pocket..

A: there.

Abby walked away jungkook looked at her back. It was lunch time and taehyung saw jungkook with Abby glasses.

T: your wearing her glasses?
Jk: uh she give it to me, I didn't want it but I'll return it to her don't worry.
T: okay.
Jk: hey taehyung.
T: yeah?

Jungkook stopped writing the notes.

Jk: can you keep this to yourself and not tell anyone?
T: sure, i dont let anything out. What's up?
Jk: um you sure?
T: yeah. Dude your my only friend that I have expact for Abby but what is it?
Jk: I think---I think I have a cursh on Abby.
T: what?! No way.
Jk: yeah.

Taehyung saw that jungkook was serious he was shock.

T: so your not joking?
Jk: no im dead serious.
T: ohhhh so what you gotta do? Confess?
Jk: I don't know.

Then Abby slam on their table they both jumped she laughed.

A: did I scared yall?
T: yah! We were in the middle of chatting!
A: I know that! About what?
Jk: n-nothing serious.
A; okay.
T: what you doing here Abby?
A: just wanted to see what my dearest friend is up to today after school.
T: im going home that's it why?
A: my aunt wants me to go shopping for her can you come with me?

Taehyung looked at jungkook and smirk at him.

T: well I'll be busy today when I get home.
A: what? You just say-
T: how about jungkook go with you.
Jk: what?
A: what?! You want me to take him?
T: will...yeah you two are getting closer.
A: just because I was being nice.
T: still.
A: *sigh* fine, you coming along jungkook?
Jk: um...um...
A: answer me!
Jk: yes!
A: good see you at the front today.

Abby walked away jungkook sigh and looked at taehyung he laughed.

Jk: you planned this.
T: so you can get closer to her and get to know her
Jk: fine.

It was after school and jungkook saw Abby upfront first he ran to her.

Jk; im here.
A: your 10mins late.
Jk: I know my class hold me up im sorry.
A: whatever let's go.

She sigh and they walked to the store after buying things for her aunt jungkook carry the bags and looked around Abby as they were walking side by side.

Jk: so um....how you know taehyung?
A: middle school, he was lonely so I became his friend.
Jk: I see. Did you date before?
A: yeah in high school.

Abby was replying to him while looking at her phone.

Jk: was it serious?
A: no he was a shitty person so I broke up with him.
Jk: I see. You know I was jealous of you because your talkative and have alot of friends meanwhile me, a nerd who has no one until I met taehyung.
A: oh.
Jk: I was bully alot in middle and high school, it wasn't easy sometimes I just want to kill myself.

Abby looked at him.

Jk: my parents try to help me but I didn't want any help because I was so stress, so I just stay home for a few months and went back when graduation was nearby. But they support me when I got into college.
A: I see.

They then got to her place and jungkook was shock that she was a rich person.

A: well thanks for coming jungkook.
Jk: yeah. Oh your glasses.
A: give it to me when you buy yourself a new one.

She smiled at him and then He hand her the bags and she walked in the gates and so jungkook took the bus back to the college dormrooms.

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