Chp. 9: Long Distance Relationship?

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Before reading this is a pretty short chapter but also exciting, have fun reading!!


It's Race Week! I have a flight to England for BritishGP and I'm begging Val to come with me.

"Val please! Come with me to the BritishGP! You can watch me from my garage with Tom and the team."

"Sorry Fabio, I can't, I have to work. I really wish I could though."

"You sure you can't take a few days just for free practices, qualifying, and the race?"

"I can't."

"Okay what about just the race?"

"Again Fabio, I can't. This is really important for me, Marvel is the biggest company I'm working for and they respect all the actors a lot, including me, and I have to respect them too by coming to work. I play a very important role, please understand?"

"Okay," I give up, she loves her job as much as I love mine, and I have to get that. "You don't know how much I want to see you on the Parc Fermé if I get podium," I continue.

"I would love to be there for you podium or not, but right now I just can't, I'll watch you from TV maybe in my trailer or hotel. You're lucky I'm also filming in England," she smiles at me.

"I guess, but you'll be in Bedford, that's pretty far away, when will we see each other again? You're here in Andorra for the filming that finished last week, and now? What do we do? I'll be in Andorra and you'll be travelling all over the world, and I can't keep up with you because I have races and practices."

"We will figure it out, Fabio. I promise."

"Okay. We should take our mind off from this stress."

"Yeah we should, how about we go out for a walk and enjoy the day?"

"I'd love that," that's a good idea, we should just enjoy the outdoors together before we separate for God knows how long.


I really want to come to Fabio and Franky's race, but I have to work. I'll watch him from Bedford, if I'm watching from my trailer then I'll grab Chris Hemsworth with me, he likes MotoGP.

As me and Fabio are walking at the park, I see so many couples, they looks so cute together. Some are playing with their kid, some are eating ice cream, some are just enjoying being together. I want that to be me and Fabio someday.

We sit down on the bench further away from the couples, Fabio apparently also noticed the many couples around us, "There are a lot of couples here," he said.

"Yeah, they all look so cute," I smile.

"Can I confess something?" Fabio asks.

I nod and he says, "We've known each other for around a month or so... This might be really early and I'm scared of what your answer will be but... Will you be my girlfriend?"

I... I can't say anything, I'm too shocked to even react.

"Valérie? Chérie are you gonna respond?"

"Yeah I just... Wow..."

"It's... It's okay if you say no."

"No no, I do! Yes! Multiple times yes," I smile at him.

He looks at me and smiles too, then he hugs me.

This is so fucking right.


We let go of the hug, we look at each other.

"So does this mean we uh... kiss?" I ask her.

She smiles a little, "Yeah... I'm sure."

I look at her lips and back to her beautiful eyes, then I close my eyes as I go closer, sealing our closure with a kiss.

I touch her neck, down to her back, and to her waist. We're making out in public at this point. I don't even care if paparazzis see us, let them, let them know our love.

We both pull away and look at each other again.

"I've liked you since you were in Moto3 you know?" She likes me since I was in the World Championship?


"Yes, I Just Wanna Be Yours."

"Well you're mine now," I grin ear to ear.

We walk back home and we went into our own home to pack for UK.

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