Chp. 8: Jealousy and Secret Admirers pt. 2

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Me and Fabio are at the grocery store since we ran out of some stuff at home, like snacks, fruits, vegetables, shampoos, and all those stuff.

We're at the shower essentials isle and I ask, "Fabs what shampoo do yo use?"


"You have crusty hair."

He looks at me taken aback, "I do not have crusty hair."

I laughed at him despite the crusty hair joke.

We picked out a few things and went to the cashier to pay for our stuff. Fabio insisted to pay for everything but I said no and we kinda bickered for a bit until be gave up and we split the bill.

We were driving back home and Fabio got the idea of eating McDonald's for lunch since it's exactly 12pm right now.

He drives us to McDonald's, we order a few things, obviously we also got chicken nuggets.

We arrive at home and we went into our own houses to unpack our groceries.

But as I walk to my door I see a package on the front doorstep. A medium sized box with my address and name on it. I pick it up and take it inside. I decide to put my groceries away first before I open the package. I put the items in their rightful place and I quickly went back to my living room where I placed the package on my coffee table.

I sit down on the floor and look at the package. There's no return address or whom it's from.

I open the box and a white parchment paper with roses on it is neatly folded around what ever's inside with a heart sticker. Also there's a note on top of it.

I open the note and inside was written:

Hello there,

You don't need to know who I am, but I hope you like these. We may not ever meet... But I sincerely hope you can accept this gift.

You have no idea how long I've been following you and how deeply in love I am with you. I don't wanna say much but... You're my star. I love you.

Your secret admirer

"What the hell..."

The door suddenly opens which scared the crap out of me, I turn around and it was just Fabio.

"You scared me, Fabio."

He laughed a little, "How did me opening the door scare you?" He sees me holding a piece of paper and a box in front of me, "May I know what that is?" He sits next to me on the floor also curious.

"I have no idea," I give him the paper to read for himself.


I read the note she gives me and what the actual fuck? Who the hell is this from? How does this person know her address? This person is also in love with her? No, I'm not allowing this weird creepy stalker interfere with my Valérie.

"Do you have any idea who this is from?" I ask her.

"No clue, I was about to ask if this was you playing a prank on me after I joked about your hair, but no way you could do this stuff, you were with me since yesterday."

I just get angrier and angrier thinking about this.

I grab the box and tear open the paper, inside I find a bracelet, a necklace, and a ring.

"The fuck?!"

"Fabio calm down, we can try to figure out who this is, we have our own team and maybe they can help."

"Are you crazy? I'm not calming down this stalker knows your address, gave you items that costs a lot, and a love letter! I'm worried, Val... I'm scared."


"I'm scared that this stalker will come to you and do something to you."

She hugs me... She hugged me... I'm still scared and worried but holy hell. We're actually hugging, and she's the one who hugged first, this might be the only highlight of today.

I smile as she hugs me. I love her hugs, since we cuddled last night it's the only thing I was thinking about before this stalker thing happened.

"I'm still here, I'm okay," she lets go of the hug, "See? I'm still next to you," she gives me a smile.

"Yeah," I slightly smile back at her.

We went to the couch to watch something to calm us down, and we end up cuddling again in the blanket. She's on my lap hugging me and sleeping while I'm watching TV.

I look to my left where I see the most beautiful girl sleeping. Ma belle...

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