we were all taking before i heard reggie shout from behind me, "VINNIE!" he shouts. i turned around to face him.
"what?!!" i exclaimed as he walked towards our group.
"come!" he exclaimed, "all of you guys, come!" he told us as he walked towards the house. we all looked at eachother and walked to the house.

"i want that back." i whispered to katarina very softly, talking about my hoodie. she heard, but she just smirked instead of responding. yeah, i'm not getting it back.

reggie led us inside for the cake. everybody sang happy birthday and we cut the cake and whatever.. i was bored, but i didn't show it. all i wanted to do was just be with katarina alone.. but every time i would try to talk to her, someone would stop me.. and i was getting annoyed.

people started to leave now and i was glad. i mean yeah, it was my 18th birthday, but i finally got the girl i've been wanting, i wanna spend time with her.

i was finally alone by myself with no one around me. i was just stood outside in the front as i finished saying goodbye to some people who were leaving.

i heard the front door open behind me, i turn back and it was katarina. i smiled.
"hey." i greeted her as i fully turned around to face her direction.
"hi." she smiled as she walked down the steps and to me. she stood next to me, but just stood straight, facing the street.

i turned around as she walked so i can face however she was facing. i was turned facing the street too, but she was just staring at the street, i was staring at her.
i think she was about to leave.

"are you good?" i asked her as she turned to look at me.
"yeah, why?" she wondered.
"i don't know.. you just .. seem like you have something on your mind." i tell her.

she sighed then shook her head, "i'm fine." she spoke. she looked down before looking up at me again a moment after.
"it's late already.. i should go now.." she said, looking at me.

"you don't have to.. i mean, you can stay here. i know zoi brought you." i stopped her before she tried to leave.
she looks at me for a second as a slight smile formed on her face.
"i mean... if you say so." she smiled as she took my hand and led me inside.
i chuckled to myself.

we ignored everyone who was still here and just went upstairs to my room.
i locked the door once we got there so no one can walk in and see katarina sleeping in my room.

i offered her my clothes and she just wore my shirt she was wearing before with my hoodie over it and no pants underneath. apparently, according to her, that's a normal way to sleep. i dont know, im not a girl.

the lights were off in my room and my led lights were turned onto blue. as we got more comfortable in my bed i turned off the led lights so it was just dark.

"you know, i wasn't gonna come today." she told me as she was laying next to me with her arms rapped around me.
i looked down at her, "i know. i was surprised when i saw you. i didn't think you cared." i spoke.
"what if you didn't.. then we probably wouldn't have seen eachother anymore.."

"i know. it's weird how making one decision can change everything." she said and i agreed.
"well, you'll always know which path to take and which is better. you'll always lead yourself on the right path." i tried to explain. it sounded better in my head.

she let out a laugh and rested her head on my shoulder.

"here's one thing.. always follow your gut. if your gut is telling you to go in one path, but your brain is telling you the other, go with your gut. your gut is always right." i explained to her. im telling the truth.

"and how do you know this?" she asked me with a slight laugh, "my mom." i replied, "something she tells me." i added.
i think katarina likes my mom more than me.
i swear she's told me before.

"interesting." she says, "and does it work?" she asks. 
"yeah. it does." i smile even though she can't see my face.
"i was gonna give up on trying with you, but something in me was saying not to. i listened to it, and here i am." i explained.

"you know vinnie, i used to think you were the actual meanest person to exist, but you're actually the softest guy ever." she told me.
"i am not soft." i argued.
"sure." she laughed.

"goodnight katarina." i said sarcastically as i pretended to ignore her.
she laughed, then lifted her head above my shoulder and kissed my cheek.
"goodnight." she said before cuddling up to me and closing her eyes.


so i haven't updated in a whileee
over 2000 words 🥰🥰🥰🥰
ok i didnt re read

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