'Well... She was not.'

The reason why it did not exist is simple.

The Duke and his wife oppose the marriage of Ophelia, so Cassius turned them into plant humans!

The reason they were against Ophelia was because of Ophelia's status as her illegitimate child, and since I was a full-fledged Count's daughter, there was no objection whatsoever.

Obviously, the lives of the Duke and his wife were also spared.

It was a really funny situation to be married without knowing that I saved their lives, though this was also an opportunity.
'If it was Ophelia... I am sure that she would have obediently accepted.'

If she were that child, she would not have rebelled at all because what she had been receiving from the Countess all along was neglect and abuse. The harsh life of marriage will also be endured by the child's characteristic, hardened wick, without complaining to Cassius once.

'I have to do the opposite.'

I immediately followed the maid.

She complained, saying it was rude for the maid not to dress me appropriately when I was going to see the Duchess, but I did not care.

I am certain she is going to pour some tea on my head, so what is the use of decorating it pretty?

The maid let out her sighs and led me to the tea-time spot, which was the huge conservatory.

The greenhouse was filled with colorful flowers, yet strangely, it did not smell at all. It was not to hide the aroma of tea, but for some reason, it overlapped with the inhumane behavior of Cassius, which gave me goosebumps.

Duchess Brudenell smiled gracefully at me.

"How have you been?"


I answered simply, wondering when the bad news would fall.

The Duchess let out a soft laugh.

"You do not have to be so nervous. I did not call you to reprimand you, Young Lady."

"...Then, what is it you called me for?"

I licked my dry lips.

My body, stiff from tension, felt unnatural.

"Garneid Young Lady, I will speak succinctly."
The Duchess gave me a strange glance.

It was clear that Cassius Brudenell's shiny golden eyes were inherited from his mother.

"Young Lady, this is the first time my son has truly loved someone."


At her words, I dropped an expensive teacup that has been passed down from generation to generation on the marble floor.

"I, I apologize."

"It is okay. It is not very valuable."

Saying so, Duchess Brudenell gracefully waved her hand. She seemed to think that the cause of my panic was breaking the teacup.

No way. Obviously, that would not be the case.

My goal was to put the Duke of Brudenell at risk, so if I broke a teacup and inflicted a loss, I'd be happy to have my arms crossed.
I swallowed only dry saliva.

I cannot believe it is the first time Cassius Brudenell has truly fallen in love with someone.

I wanted to deny it, but the words did not come out.

The Obsessive Male Lead Wants To Become My HusbandWhere stories live. Discover now