"Totally Recalled..." Part XLVIII...

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"Totally Recalled..."

Summary: Another acting exercise for new and somewhat baby-blued mom, Mrs. Penelope Hofstadter and her entourage. For the prequel of sorts, read "Sheldon Swifties LXXV: 'The Creation Fluctuation'..."

In the late 22nd century a young and supposedly happy housewife finds herself drawn to another existence on the Mars colony, currently under the crushing heel of a brutal dictator... ("And his vicious secret police chief girlfriend!" Bernadette hisses.

"supposedly happy"...Leonard sighs. Maybe this wasn't such a good...

"Guys." Howard sighs to group. "I don't know if I can do the Dictator. Mom came to me in a dream last night and started complaining, "Now, ya wanna be Hitler?"

"Fine. I'll be the Dictator." Bernadette notes. "You be the sidekick."

"Actually, that does somehow seem to fit..." Howard nods.

"Hey, we have a former secret police chief right here, you know?" Raj fumes.)

Disclaimer: They're all Chuck's. Except Penny Hauser.

Part XLVIII...

Venusville Administrative Offices, Subdepartment Office of Martian Homeland Security...Current day.

Holographic 3-D posters of various wanted types on office wall, generally wanted for subversion, terrorism, assault, or theft, one or two for murder...Several named as mutants possessing dangerous powers, to be approached only with caution. Crime statistics on another, constantly changing in real time. Another, a series of patriotic appeals, periodically changing, the current...The sneering image of a Mars soldier, gun raised "Earth is Just Another Name for Dirt!-Fight for a Free Mars!"

"Well...Well...Well..." mocking tone, from figure, in black, at lectern, at the head of the large conference room facing the seated security officers...Grimly looking out over the faces of the assembled, normally a jovially brutal brace of arrogant thugs, with the occasional failed intellectual and/or artist, and a scattering of eager sadists. Now, a rather cowed group of nervous supplicants.

"As you can see. We're...Back." Mocking tone. "And judging by all reports, not a moment too soon! Are we a moment too soon?"

"Not one moment." Solemn voice from figure standing beside the first.

"No, not one. Venusville Branch Martian Homeland Security, indeed." Dark look. "I leave you people with a trust. We leave you with a trust. Didn't we leave them with a trust?" turn to companion at lectern.

"A trust indeed." Solemn nod. Grim look.

"And one task, an easy task...Made easy as possible." Cold tone. "Wasn't it easy?"

"As pie." Cool nod.

"We had all mutants herded here in this one place, this miserable little place. All the freaks and geeks, the freaky geeks, the geeky freaks, here...In one place! One! Right?!"

"All the freaks, geeky or otherwise...One place." Nod.

"And yet, first thing I see in the reports I've reviewed. After trusting you, each and every one of you, with a simple task, though a major trust...But a simple, simple task! To keep these freaks of nature in line! To watch them and see these mutants, freaks, whatever they are, do not make useful contacts with the so-called Resistance, or with our enemies, the enemies of our people, on Earth! And what happens?! What happened?" turn to the second speaker.

"Disappointment." Nod.

Damn right!" Slam of hand on lectern... "Disappointment. Word of contacts between the Resistance and these freaks, even with UNE types! And worse, the escape of some traitorous freaks of interest, potential threats to our bid for independence! Isn't that even worse?"

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