"Totally Recalled..." Part XXXV...

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"Totally Recalled..."

Summary: Another acting exercise for new and somewhat baby-blued mom, Mrs. Penelope Hofstadter and her entourage. For the prequel of sorts, read "Sheldon Swifties LXXV: 'The Creation Fluctuation'..."

In the late 22nd century a young and supposedly happy housewife finds herself drawn to another existence on the Mars colony, currently under the crushing heel of a brutal dictator... ("And his vicious secret police chief girlfriend!" Bernadette hisses.

"supposedly happy"...Leonard sighs. Maybe this wasn't such a good...

"Guys." Howard sighs to group. "I don't know if I can do the Dictator. Mom came to me in a dream last night and started complaining, "Now, ya wanna be Hitler?"

"Fine. I'll be the Dictator." Bernadette notes. "You be the sidekick."

"Actually, that does somehow seem to fit..." Howard nods.

"Hey, we have a former secret police chief right here, you know?" Raj fumes.)

Disclaimer: They're all Chuck's. Except Penny Hauser.

Part XXXV...

"Just keep pulling yourself along and use the mag footholds to keep your feet in place as you go..." Benny's voice over Penny's speaker. "Shuttle's just over the rise..."

"Great...Sure..." she carefully moved along in her suit... "Exactly who are you and where are you taking me, if it's not impolite to ask?"

"Benny...And a cab/shuttle driver. Who's a friend of a friend...And, down there..." he pointed a suit arm towards the vast Martian landscape below. "Though Mars Colony Capital, to be more precise..."

"Friend of a friend...What friend?"

"Lets talk when we're aboard..." he urged. "The radio and holochatter around here makes it harder to be detected most days but with the war sit fewer ships are headin' out or comin' in."

"Fine..." she sighed. "Say, you knew me? Do you know me?"

"I used to take you to meet a friend... A while ago."

"Leonard?" she asked, sighing at his careful look.

"Right, talk later." She nodded.

"Best..." he agreed. "Though the less I know about your business, the safer for me and my wife and kids..."

I get it..." she nodded.

Whoa...As they moved up and over the rise to see at least twenty small ships clustered, docked to cables, drifting. More floating a bit further away...A few larger ones visible attached to floating space buoys...

"This is 'fewer'?" she eyed him.

"Much...And thank God no big ships and not many going out...Though customs checks each one at the departure port, us no exception if we don't wanna be shot out of space."

"I sure don't..."

"There's my baby..." he beamed at the small shuttle. "Lucky not to have been requisitioned yet, which is why she's so appropriately named 'Lucky', but they still need shuttle transport to and from Deimos so I'm ok for now."

"You move freight too?" she asked.

"Anything I can stuff in her, people, freight...Whatever..." smile. As they moved up to the small ship and he keyed in an entry code.

"Entrez..." as the airlock opened. His face a bit hard to see in the shadow of the ship.

"Thanks." As she entered, he following. The airlock door to the outside sealing as the inner opened.

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