47. Life Goes On (1)

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Seb smiled as he stopped his rental Audi R8 outside the now familiar house. He'd been looking forward to visiting again. It had become a regular thing when he was over at the factory. It was his one highlight outside of racing, the one thing that made him feel almost alive. Being here meant being around her. She was everywhere here, even though she was nowhere.

He saw the front door open and Emmie waving at him. He climbed out, grabbing his overnight bag off of the passenger seat.

"Hey Emmie," he said, greeting her with a hug. "How are you?"

"I'm good thanks, just got in from work actually. Mum will be home soon. I watched the race Sunday. Congratulations, you were great!"

"Thank you." Seb smiled again as he thought of the race he'd won in Monaco three days earlier. It was his fourth win of the season following Bahrain, Saudi Arabia and Miami. He was leading the championship by ten points.   Professionally his life was well and truly on track. 

His smile faded as he thought about his personal life, as he thought about her.

"Have you spoken to her? How is she? Where is she?"  He followed Emmie inside the house.  

"Seb you know she isn't speaking to me."

"Sorry, I just really need to hear she's ok."

"She's ok, I can't say anything else.  You'll have to ask Mum when she gets in.  Now, what can I get you to drink?"

"Anything cold would be great.  It's quite hot out there, hotter than it looks."

"Yeah, it's a nice day.  I've been sat in the conservatory.  Go on through. I'll bring your drink out."

Seb headed out into the conservatory.   He gave a death stare to his nemesis, Rosie, who had jumped up at her bars and was eyeballing him.  "I'm watching you bird," he said. She squawked before hopping back onto her swing. 

He sank down onto the recliner chair and looked out of the window, down towards the treehouse.  

He hoped Penny could tell him something new about Libby.   He hadn't visited for a few weeks, since before Miami, and she hadn't been able to tell him much then.   She'd said Libby's calls had tailed off to once a month.   It seemed Libby had built a new life, one that didn't include him or sadly, her family.   He felt guilty that Libby had stopped talking to Emmie because of him.   Maybe he shouldn't have asked Emmie for her help but he'd been desperate.  He still was desperate.  

"So where are you racing next?" Emmie asked, handing him a glass of iced lemonade.  He thanked her.

"Baku, Azerbaijan.   Then straight over to Canada."

"Soon be Silverstone won't it?"

"Yeah, two weeks after Canada."

Emmie sat down on the sofa.  "I can't believe it's been nearly six months since she went."

Seb felt tears pricking his eyes.   It had been six months but it hadn't got any easier.  If anything his heart ached more now. 

He could switch off during a race weekend, he became a bit of automaton truth be told, but the rest of the time he was a lonely, heartbroken man. 

"Hey don't get all weepy on me.   That means it's only six months til she's back.   You're halfway there Seb!" she said cheerfully, trying to boost his spirits.  He smiled weakly.  Trust Emmie to look at the positives. 

They heard the front door shut. 

"That'll be Mum."   Seb stood up ready to greet Penny. 

"Sebastian, how good to see you," she said as she came out into the conservatory. 

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