23. A Promise Kept

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Libby groaned as pieces of her memory returned.  She remembered kissing Joel at the club. She remembered sneaking away and going home.  She remembered ringing Seb and taunting him about Joel.  For fuck's sake.  What the hell had she been thinking?  She sure as hell hadn't thought he'd turn up at her house.

"Remember now?" Seb asked, his face still stonelike. She nodded, refusing to meet his eye.

"Yes," she whispered. Seb put his hand under her chin and forced her to look at him.

"Louder," he barked.

"Yes. I remember." God, this angry, dominant Seb was so damn hot!

"Good. Now I want to know why you rang me. Did it give you a thrill to taunt me? To make me think you were going to sleep with him?"

"I don't know...I'd had too much to drink, I..."

"You kissed him, didn't you?" Seb interrupted. "You kissed Joel?"


"And you just had to tell me didn't you? I get it, it was your way of trying to get back at me wasn't it?"

Libby opened her mouth to deny Seb's accusations but she soon shut it again. He was right. That's exactly why she'd rang him.

"Not denying it?" Seb gave a small laugh as Libby remained silent. "You have no idea of how angry you made me..."

"You deserved it!" she retorted, breaking her silence. "You've been a complete jerk...the way you spoke to me in Monaco..."

"I know, I agree."

"You do?"

"That's why I've been trying to apologise but you've been too stubborn to listen."

"You call those attempts apologies?"

"They were a start..."

Libby began to feel incredibly guilty. She shouldn't have taunted him like she had the night before. Still, it wasn't as if they were in a relationship, she didn't even know if they were friends with benefits any more.

"Would you have let him fuck you?"

"No! I wouldn't have come back alone if I'd wanted to fuck him."

"I can't believe you deliberately made me think you were giving your body to him!"

"I'm sorry."

Seb shook his head in disbelief before he took Libby by surprise. He pushed her onto her back and straddled her legs, holding her in position beneath him. "You're mine Libby. He doesn't get to touch you. Understand?"

Libby felt desire shooting through her body. Her nipples instinctively hardened against the thin cotton of her nightshirt, her pussy began to throb as it craved Seb's touch. She knew he was right. She was his. He had some kind of physical hold over her and she didn't know how to break it. He leant over her and took her earlobe between his teeth, nipping it playfully. Then he whispered in her ear. "Admit your body belongs to me."


Seb felt his anger coursing through him. It fuelled his desire for Libby even more. How could she keep denying the truth? She belonged to him just as he belonged to her. Maybe not in a romantic way, but physically they were made for each other. It was time she learnt a lesson.

He leant over and opened the top drawer of Libby's bedside table. His hand plunged into it and searched around. He soon found what he was looking for.

Libby gasped as Seb fastened the pink fluffy handcuff around her right wrist. He swiftly passed the other cuff through the iron bars of her headboard and restrained her left wrist in the other cuff.

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