"I'm glad that you did, Robbie. We can come here daily if you want to," she suggested.

"Yes please. I want to," said Robson. They went towards their classroom. "I'm happy that you're not mad at me, Miss Anna, " said Robbie.

"Why should I be mad at you, Robbie?" She asked him.

"Because uncle Hunt always makes you angry. He's actually silly. Please don't mind him. He has never smiled for the last three years," said Robbie like it was a casual piece of information. It got Rihanna thinking. Robbie and his uncle might have lost their family three years back. It made her soften a bit towards Robbie and his uncle. Maybe she was overreacting whenever she met that Hunt Bradshaw. She rolled her eyes. How could a person whose name was Hunt make fun of her name?

She took her class and to her satisfaction, Robbie responded to her. Although he didn't make friends with any of his classmates, he was improving and that made Rihanna hopeful. The classes were over for the day and Robbie wouldn't leave her hand. He led her to the parking lot with him. His uncle hadn't arrived yet so Rihanna took him to inspect her car. Her car had a flat tyre and she had no spare tyre to fix it.

"Oh, your car needs fixing, Miss Anna, " said Robbie, looking worried.

"Yeah. Wait, I'll call my brother," she said, dialing Ryder's number. Rhett and Rex had arrived late last night from  Helena and today they might have gone to work late. They would surely be busy. He didn't pick up. Rihanna rolled her eyes and dialed Ryan's number. He was at work too. She dialed Sawyer's number who was the adopted son of her uncle Kevin and aunt Katherine. Her grandfather had found Sawyer on the banks of Bearhead Creek. He had been abandoned at birth and ever since he was brought up as part of the family. He was a year older than Rihanna and had just married Ryder and Ryan's younger sister, Renée.

"I'm at a customer's place. I can only come after an hour, " said Sawyer. Rihanna disconnected the call.

"You have so many brothers?" Asked Robbie with wide eyes. Rihanna smiled.

"I could drop you home," said Hunter's voice from right behind her. Rihanna looked at him, standing quietly behind her, listening to her talk of the phone.

"No thanks. I'll manage, " she told him.

"Your boyfriends didn't agree to help you out, eh?" He asked with a smirk.

"My brothers," she corrected him with a pissed off expression. Why does he always get under her skin? Couldn't he talk normally for a change?

"Whatever, " he said with a sly smile as if he didn't believe her at all. "Get in and I'll drop you off to your place, " he offered.

"Please Miss Anna. I want to see your house. I want to meet your mommy, daddy and your brothers," said an excited Robbie.

"Okay, " she said and Robbie led her towards his uncle's truck. After they both had climbed onto it, Hunter started driving. She gave him the directions to her home, Wildcreek Ranch and he drove towards it.

"Do you have a grandma?" Asked Robbie eagerly.

"Yes. I have a huge family and three dogs," said Rihanna with a smile. "My brother's wife has a baby in her tummy. You want to talk to the baby?" Asked Rihanna. Robbie's eyes lit up.

"Really? Can it hear me, Miss Anna?" He asked excitedly,

"Yes, it can, " she told him. Hunter was quiet all the way, concentrating upon his driving, his jaws set in a grim line. His mind seemed like it was far away. They reached her ranch and she climbed down. Robbie too hurried to get down from the truck and run inside with her but Hunter's hand clamped onto his tiny wrist to stop him.

"Not today, Robbie. I have to get back to work, " he said. Robbie whined but he simply drove off before she could even thank him for the ride. She shook her head at the weird man. She wanted Robbie to meet her family and interact with them but mostly she wanted to show his uncle that she indeed had many brothers and not boyfriends as he had concluded.

She entered her house and saw that Ryder was sitting with his girl Anastasia who had returned from LA to attend her best friend Renée wedding. Was she returning to LA again?

"Hey Anastasia, how are you?" She greeted her, picking up an apple from the table and biting into it.

"I'm fine, Rihanna. Today you last day here. I'll be returning to LA tomorrow, " she told her. Ryder's face fell but he put up a brave face and made a valiant effort to smile.

"Good for you. You wouldn't be returning to Fordsville any more, right?" She asked her feeling horrible for her brother. Was the girl so blind that she couldn't see how much Ryder loved her? Some people are so pathetic that they trample upon true love refusing to acknowledge it, for what? Money, career?

"No," said Anastasia. Ryder got up and left the room. His best friend's sister, Hailey came to see him and he walked out to the porch to talk to her. Rihanna noted the look of jealousy in Anastasia's eyes. So maybe she did have feelings for Ryder, after all.

Holding On (Wildcreek Ranch Series Book 3)Where stories live. Discover now