Chapter 2

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I arrived at the cemetery thirty minutes earlier than usual to meet Ashley. As I expected, she was already here.

"Hey." She smiled as I sat parallel to her on the painted wooden bench, "I brought you lunch."

"My father always taught me never to take candy from a stranger."

"Well it's a good thing I didn't bring candy."

I searched my mind for another snarky remark, "I'm on a no carbs diet."

"Oh for fucks sake, take the damn pizza."

I smiled, finally giving in, "Thank you, but you really didn't have to do this. I feel bad taking food from a seventeen year old."

"Okay, first of all, I'm turning eighteen in a month. Second, it only cost me five dollars. And third, how the fuck did you know my age?"

"If you just started your senior year, assuming you weren't held back, your age would be seventeen."

"So you're smart, own a cafe, and look like a better version of Scarlett Johansson?"

"Sounds about right."

She laughed, "I forgot to add cocky bitch."

I ignored her and changed the subject, "So, I stalked you on my computer last night and it gave me the impression that you're one of the popular girls."

"You stalked me?" She giggled.

"Yeah, the Newton High School website."

"I wouldn't be surprised if you turned out to be an agent for the FBI."

"Now that you mention it, you're right, I would make a great assassin."

"Your instincts are correct by the way. I do happen to be one of the popular girls."

I took a bite of the pizza, "Does that mean you're the head cheerleader with the hot football boyfriend?"

"God no, those cheer uniforms make the girls look like strippers, and the football captain is a young O.J. Simpson." I laughed at her comment and she continued, "I'm more of the popular-because-she's-hot and-every-guy-wants-to-fuck-her, type of popular."

"Understandable, I'm turned on just from sitting next to you." I spoke, sarcasm in my voice.

"That's pedophilia."

"You're almost eighteen so technically it isn't. And I have a husband, so for legal reasons that was just a joke."

"You're married?" She asked, sounding genuinely surprised.

"Yeah, with kids."

"What!? I had no idea!" Her jaw dropped, "I guess I forgot that you were thirty two and not my age."

"Okay, now you're being too nice."

"No, I'm serious." She defended, "You seem so young I guess the possibility never really crossed my mind."

"Well, thank you."

"Tell me about your kids." She leaned closer, showing interest.

A smile appeared on my lips at the thought of them, "Abby's my oldest, she's five and for some reason has an obsession with Princess Jasmine. Miles is my other one, he's three and draws me these horrible pictures that are just colorful scribbles all over the place. I love them more than anything. I mean, I love them more than wine for fucks sake, and that's definitely saying something."

"Do you want more kids?"

I sighed. That was a loaded question. "I'd love to have another one, but my doctor says I have secondary infertility, which basically means it's impossible to get pregnant naturally. And my husband, Nick, doesn't want to spend the time or money on the fertility clinic. Not to mention, he doesn't actually want anymore kids."

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