Relationship W/ Members

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Yoonbin: Older Brother

Since Kyubin was older when he debuted, Jiyoon considered him an older brother

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Since Kyubin was older when he debuted, Jiyoon considered him an older brother. The two are often seen listening to music or shopping together. Kyubin is a bit overprotective of the younger, he has been seen going with her to set when she would be filming watching her interact with her male co-stars. Jiyoon sometimes finds it suffocating as all her friends are other idols in boy groups, and because of his overprotectiveness, it can become hard to hang out with them without creating an issue with her older member.

Jiho: Choreographers

Sungho makes the choreography for their group, and Jiyoon often helps as she finds it a nice way to hang out with him while still being productive

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Sungho makes the choreography for their group, and Jiyoon often helps as she finds it a nice way to hang out with him while still being productive. Sungho decided to have Jiyoon help assist him during practices since they are the two that create it together. Sungho enjoys this time together as it's a time they have alone together, sometimes he lets her goof around when he can tell she is stressed out. She thinks that he is such a sweetheart and is totally boyfriend material, saying his smile will attract all the girls.

Taeyoon: Dance cover duo

The two love covering different groups of choreography especially girl groups

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The two love covering different groups of choreography especially girl groups. Jiyoon thinks Taeyeob has a sweet voice that she could listen to for hours, she personally thinks he is a soft person in general. She often steals his lip balms when they are out cause he always carries so many, she does give them back but often forgets at times. Taeyeob thinks it's cute when she is trying to look intimidating when she raps but thinks she looks adorable no matter how hard she tries. In his eyes, she is the most adorable person he has seen.

Jihyung: Coffee Addicts

In the mornings they are usually seen with coffee in their hands

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In the mornings they are usually seen with coffee in their hands. Sometimes if one wakes up before the other, they will make them a cup of coffee in their preferred way. When Jiyoon would have to head to set early, Junhyung would wake up early to prepare her coffee to take on the way to set. Jiyoon tends to drag Junghyun out of the dorm to go out and get coffee sometimes and have a small coffee date between the two coffee lovers. She enjoys the mornings when they sit together in silence drinking coffee and enjoying each other's presence.

Yoonsoo: Rapping Soccer Duo

Both Yongsoo and Jiyoon are the rappers of the group who both like to play soccer

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Both Yongsoo and Jiyoon are the rappers of the group who both like to play soccer. They both have been seen having rap battles and annoying their members to judge to see whose rap was better. When they play soccer, they don't care about keeping score; they enjoy playing when they have a chance. Jiyoon has said that she thinks he looks like a bunny and has a nice side profile. Yongsoo said he wouldn't date Jiyoon since they are pretty close but would date someone with a similar personality.

Jiwook: Balls of Sunshine

They both have the role of playing the mood-makers of the group with Jiyoon's golden retriever personality joining the mix

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They both have the role of playing the mood-makers of the group with Jiyoon's golden retriever personality joining the mix. Jiyoon thinks Wookjin despite being the 2nd youngest is hard-working and not as childish as Yongsoo. They both think each other is photogenic and take tons of pictures of each other and together. Wookjin feels bad that she doesn't have any members that are the same age as her, but tries to be a great friend to her. Unlike Kyubin, he isn't as protective and lets her hang out with those her age instead of her members all the time.

Words: 713

Date: August 17, 2022

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