"Thanks boys," She said, a small chuckle falling from her mouth. It was a laugh or relief, she felt safe in their embrace, and of course just being in their vicinity would make anyone feel happy, they were the life line of Hogwarts, in their arms, she felt like she was home. It was a familiar feeling that she got whenever she was around them... so familiar that she almost called them James and Sirius.

By eight o'clock, Madam Pince had extinguished all the lamps and came to chivvy Kirra and the twins out of the library. Kirra said her goodbye's to the twins, giving them one last hug before grabbing her book. Staggering under the weight of as many books as she could carry, Kirra returned to the Slytherin common room, and then made her way up to the boys dorm. 

She knocked on the door lightly and it was pulled open, Theodore was standing in front of her with a tired look on his face. "Hey princess," Theo muttered out with a grin and couldn't help but laugh as he watched her struggle to hold up all of her books. He stepped aside and let her into the room where she stumbled over to Mattheo's bed and dropped the books down onto the bed, an exhausted groan falling from her lips.

She looked around the room and saw that it was only Blaise, Draco and Theodore in the room. Her eyebrows bunched up in confusion as she looked for Mattheo, but there was no trace of him. "Hey boys, where's the grumpy pants?" Kirra asked them in confusion as she sat down on Mattheo's bed, pulling the blankets over her legs as she rested against the headboard.

"We arent sure, he hasn't come back from his meeting with Snape," Theodore explained as he shrugged his shoulders and then looked down at the books, "do you need a hand?" he asked her. She could see how tired all of the boys were and she shook her head, it was her responsibility, so she wasn't going to make the rest of them suffer a long night of reading

"It's alright," Kirra said and gave him a small smile, "You three can just go to sleep, I'll read under the covers and use my wand for some light," she explained to them. Theodore looked unsure, he was more than happy to help her with the research but she gave him a look telling him that she would be fine so he nodded his head and turned off the light before crawling into bed. 

Kirra crawled under the covers of her boyfriends bed and brought the books under there with her, her wand in her pocket. She pulled out her wand and muttered 'lumos' before opening her books and beginning to read. 

There was nothing in Madcap Magic for Wacky Warlocks . . . nothing in A Guide to Medieval Sorcery . . . not one mention of underwater exploits in An Anthology of Eighteenth Century Charms, or in Dreadful Denizens of the Deep, or Powers You Never Knew You Had and What to Do with Them Now You've Wised Up.

Whiskers (pretty sure that's her cats name but I cant even remember at this point XD) had somehow managed to find his way into the common room and into the dorm as he jumped up on the bed. Kirra held up the blankets and he crawled into Kirra's lap and curled up, purring deeply. 

The only sounds around her were the loud snores from the boys and the sound of the lake outside of the window. Kirra waited patiently for Mattheo to return, telling herself that she would stop reading when he arrived, but it was getting more and more late and he still hadn't come back from his meeting.

 By ten to midnight, she was still alone in the room with her friends and Whiskers. She had searched all the remaining books, and Mattheo had not come back. It's over, she told herself. You can't do it. You'll just have to go down to the lake in the morning and tell the judges. . . .

She imagined herself explaining that she couldn't do the task, the truth was, she knew spells and things that would help her breathe or hold her breath under the water, but she was just procrastinating as she dreaded the thought of swimming in the black lake. 

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