Because I love him Minnie

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My State just went back into lockdown and I'm meant to be doing online schooling but I cant be bothered so you guys can expect a few chapters a day for at least today and tomorrow ;)

Full of fresh determination, she urged her broom through the turbulent air, staring in every direction for the Snitch, avoiding a Bludger, ducking beneath Harry, who was streaking in the opposite direction.

Mattheo, Jasper and Theodore were all in the stands cheering loudly for the girl as they all worried about her being cold and for her safety. Their eyes hadn't left the girl at all throughout the match

"Bloody Draco, he should be out there playing in these shitty conditions not her, it's not safe, the wind is going to throw her off her bloody broom," Mattheo cursed as he kept his eyes on the girl, hardly ever blinking as if he was scared that if he closed his eyes she would fall off her broom.

There was another clap of thunder, followed immediately by forked lightning. This was getting more and more dangerous. Kirra needed to get the Snitch quickly – She turned, intending to head back towards the middle of the pitch, but at that moment, another flash of lightning illuminated the stands, and Kirra saw something that distracted her completely: the silhouette of an enormous shaggy black dog, clearly imprinted against the sky, motionless in the topmost, empty row of seats, and she suspected that her brother was able to see it too as he stopped moving around and was staring in the same direction as her.

Kirra's numb hands slipped on the broom handle and her Nimbus dropped a few feet. Shaking her sodden fringe out of her eyes, she squinted back into the stands. The dog had vanished. She began to quickly look for the snitch again and in the flash of lightning she saw a small refraction of light in the rain-filled air between her and Harry 

With a jolt of determination, Kirra threw herself flat to the broom handle and zoomed towards the Snitch and as soon as she did that, her brother copied her actions. 'Come on!' she growled at her Nimbus, as the rain whipped her face. 'Faster!' But something odd was happening. An eerie silence was falling across the stadium. 

The wind, though as strong as ever, was forgetting to roar. It was as though someone had turned off the sound, as though Kirra had gone suddenly deaf – what was going on? And then a horribly familiar wave of cold swept over her, inside her, just as she became aware of something moving on the pitch below her and her brother

She growled in annoyance and kept shooting for the snitch and she got it, the cool metal ball was wrapped in the warm embrace of the Hufflepuff girl who quickly shoved it into her pocket and then drew her wand pointing it towards Harry and the dementors near him, "Expecto Patronum!" she yelled as loud as she could and then it happened... a gigantic dragon made of blue mist and light spewed from her wand.

People in the stands watched in complete awe at the sight, the dragon was humongous, it was a Hungarian Horntail and by far the biggest Patronus that anybody on the stands had ever seen. Its massive wings flapped proudly in the air and a few roars left its mouth, scaring the dementors.

"Wicked" Theodore exclaimed with a grin, "that's our girl" he jumped excitedly and pointed her out.

Even all of the professors were impressed at the dragon that was basically the size of the entire stadium, all of the dementors quickly flew off and the crowd cheered loudly for the girl. "I've never seen anything like it" came from somewhere in the teacher stands

"Who the hell is she" Jasper whispered out in shock, he had never seen anything anywhere near as impressive and to think that it came from a third year student. Sirius who was in the woods howled proudly out to the girl.

The dragon disappeared and the girl was exhausted, her grip on her broom was weak but she kept holding on, she looked around for Harry and saw him, still on his broom below her, shaking and covered in sweat

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