"Wait!" they panicked, reaching a hand out as the rabbit-like figure swiftly turned away, "Don't run away!"

The Hood reached his quivering hand out, blinking away the tears searing the corners of their eyes. This was what he wanted, and they were sure as hell going to get it. 

It had only been a few hours, sure, and he was also scared to his bones of whatever they were chasing, yes, but it was too much trouble. Besides, this could be fate! 

Hoodling gets banished from town, has to stay in forest, but meets a strange creature no other had seen or heard of! Town congratulates him, they are accepted back, and are given a free scholarship in biology for his amazing discoveries. 

As he fantasized about being back home and idolized (like the narcissist he was,) the tall figure looked at them. One of it's long, charred ears flopped downward and it tilted it's head, supposedly in curiosity. 

The quietness of the situation made Kwite realize the creature was... breathing.

Not regular breathing. Strange... robotic breathing.


Who is this, and why aren't they running?

Calm down, Springy, this is the first time you've gotten a remotely peaceful interaction.


After an unspecified amount of time, the large thing responded slowly, "He-llo...?"

It had a strange voice. A voice that could be described as a creaking floorboard, or a squeaking door hinge. It was unsettling. It evoked a small spark of fear in the Hood's chest. It made him want to run and hide. 

No. I wanted this. 

Kwite let a welcoming smile cross their face, despite the mask covering his mouth. They hoped the being could see it in the arches of his shades.

"Hello," they spoke quietly, "My name is Kwite."


He almost screamed out of excitement. 

Whatever this thing is, it likes me, so I like it.

Don't screw this up yet, Springtrap.

The rabbit was no longer tense, seeing the smile, and hearing the sound of the person's voice. It was weird, but after a while of seeing nobody, and doing nothing but accidentally scaring hikers or tourists, this felt like heaven. 

A decent human! A decent human who INTERACTS with me! LIKE IM A DECENT HUMAN! 


The figure had a massive smile plastered on it's face, and he swore he heard the swish-swish of a tail wagging. The noise made them smile a bit wider. 

Maybe this wasn't something to be scared of.

A small laugh came from the hoodie-man as they watched the tall thing stand there and smile at him. A childish laugh. It didn't seem threatening anymore, it's just a big, tall, forest thing. A very nice forest thing, at that.


His tail wagged faster at the strange noises the human made. This felt nice. Laughing with a stranger, after three pieces of dialogue. 

"I... I am Spring...trap."


"That's a neat name," Kwite responded, his hand hovering over the mask above their mouth as the laughter died down. "How'd you get it?"

"I uh..-"



You can't tell this human the truth. No more truth for humans to hear. They always get scared and run, and hide. It always happens. THINK. 


"Well, I... I always d-id like the fl-owers... and the grass... in the spring-t-ime..." The tall figure choked out in that eerie, floor-creaky voice it had, "A-nd I suppose the 'tr-ap' part of my name... c-ame from... the bear... tr-aps in the forest."

Kwite thought about that for a moment. A scary, intimidating, strange-smelling forest creature, who liked flowers, and had a very fluffy tail. A beloved fanfiction trope. 

"I've always been a fan of the clear skies, too."

"I-... like to... watch the st-arrrssss... they a-re so... bright," It continued, tilting it's shadowed head up at the thick forest overhang, "b-ut... not he-re though..."

Kwite smiled.

Whatever this thing was, it was nice, and definitely didn't mean to scare him. Speaking of which...

"Hey, Springtrap?"


"Could you step out of the shadows," the Hood asked, wriggling away from the thicket and coarse ground he was stuck beside, "I wanna see what you look like."

Beneath the Stars (Kwite x Springtrap)Where stories live. Discover now